Take Action Now to Stop Parking Meter Expansion on the South Side!
Call Alderman John Pope at 773-721-1999
24-hour vigil by community center has stopped city from installing new parking meters in front of the center. Centro Communitario Juan Diego provides vital services to workers, the poor and immigrants in need. Call the Alderman now and tell him, "No meters outside the community center."
For over a month, the Centro Communitario Juan Diego on Chicago’s south side has staged militant neighborhood actions and a 24-hour vigil to stop the installation of parking meters outside of their community center.
The community group has marched on the South Chicago Chamber of Commerce and Alderman John Pope’s office and home. They have withstood various attempts by the city and the chamber’s hired security goons to intimidate and silence them.
The vigil has received widespread support from the community and according to organizer Robert Garcia has provided "A sense that the people in our community, poor workers and immigrants, can act together and stand up to powerful business interests."
Over 1,500 petitions have been collected to stop the installation of parking meters outside the center and along Commercial Avenue.
Join the Protest at City Hall to Stop Parking Meter Hikes & Expansion! |
Free public street parking outside the center is very important. The Centro Communitario Juan Diego provides vital social services for the working-class neighborhood, which is made up of mostly Latinos, African Americans and immigrants. The center provides health care and literacy programs as well as distributing food and clothing.
The center also fights for tenants’ rights and against gentrification. The installation of the parking meters, at the request of the chamber of commerce, is part of a wider project by real estate investors and local politicians to take over and "develop" the larger lakefront area on the south side.
In the past couple of years, the campaign of attacks against the community has included fraudulent home inspections, numerous threats against anybody who stands up to the program of neighborhood cleansing and the organization of environmental and antiviolence groups that are playing an underhanded role by providing "progressive" cover for gentrification.
The chamber has pressured small businesses on the same street as the community center to oppose the movement to stop the meters and has printed slanders about the center in its newsletter. The chamber has spread outrageous lies in its publication, accusing the center of encouraging illegal acts, engaging in "illegal" protests and working for "outside" forces.
Alderman Pope arrogantly dismissed the center’s petitions, saying that many of the petitions looked like they were signed by children.
Workers from all communities in Chicago and beyond should join hands with the south side community and the Centro Communitario Juan Diego as they stand up and fight back against the city’s anti-worker parking meter expansion. To help stop the installation of meters oustide of Centro Communitario Juan Diego call Alderman Pope at 773-721-1999.
Forward this call widely
Stop Parking Meter Rate Hikes and Expansion!
Money for Jobs, Not Wall Street!
No Layoffs! No Budget Cuts! No Olympics!
Protest at Chicago City Hall!
Wednesday, July 29, 11:30 am
During Chicago City Council Meeting
City Hall: 121 N. La Salle
For directions click here
Volunteers needed all week! To volunteer or endorse the action or for more info call 773-463-0311
Join us on the street in front of city hall as the Mayor and the city council meet. We'll have large banners and signs: "Mayor Daley: Criminal! Stop the Parking Meter Rate Hikes! No Olympics! No Layoffs! No Cuts!"
Mayor Daley and the Chicago City Council have sold the people out to corporate interests, laid off workers, continued to promote police brutality and cut health care, education and more—all during the worst economic crisis in generations.
The official unemployment rate in Chicago is over 11 percent and rising. The city's parking meter deal, was promoted by the Mayor and passed by the City Council with a vote of 40-5. The deal allows Morgan Stanley, one of the bailed out banks that is responsible for the economic and budget crises, to reach into our pockets for billions of more dollars in the form of increased parking meter rates. Mayor Daley is working day and night to bring the Olympics to Chicago in order to enrich a tiny handful of big-businesses at the people's expense.
It's time to stop the city's assault on the people: Let's fight back!
Thousands of people have signed petitions and sent letters to the Mayor in opposition to the sale of the parking meters to Wall Street giant Morgan Stanley. Actions against parking meter rate hikes and expansion of meters and pay boxes in our communities and parks have been taking place all over the city. To find out more about or get involved with the Chicago Parking Meter Campaign click here.
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