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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Gender & Sexuality : Miscellaneous : Women's Issues

This is for the Men

A Chicago Men's Consciousness group is taking shape. We're looking for m(en/ale-identified/ale-bodied) folks to join us. Next meeting is Tuesday, August 4th. Keep reading for more info.
how-to-start-a-mens-group.pdf (1408 k)
None of us chose the world we're born into, the body we inhabit through this world, or the primary identity we have been built into. Many of us who are men--by happenstance or by choice--struggle with the expectations, limitations, and straight bullshit of masculinity. Some of us would like to form a group to support one another in our journey to being men who live in a world of healthy, safe relation the people around us.

We don't know how to do this, but together we can figure it out. Some of the questions that inspire us: what is a man, after all? what do we do--as men--that upholds the opppression of women, queers, and even ourselves and other men? how can we change ourselves and ecourage change in others to actively oppose male violence? how have we digested the oppression of patriarchy, and how has it limited us in our own growth into freedom?

How can we develop practices of liberation that support the self-determination of women and queers and all other identitiers oppressed by patriarchy? How do men who are tired of a militarized, hyper-masculine culture come together to build alternatives. We don't know, but we'd like to start figuring it out.

If you'd like to join us, we will be meeting from 6 pm to 9 pm on the first Tuesday of each month at the Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ*. If you have any questions, suggestions, or criticism, please call (773) 509 - 1999 and leave a message.

If you plan to attend the next meeting, please take the time to download the linked-to article and give it a read. Then choose an issue from the list at the article's end or come up with one of your own to bring to the group.

Please pass this to anyone you think might be interested.

*NB: This group is not a faith-based or specifically political group. Folk of all and no faiths, parties and creeds are welcome. We know at least this much: that there is strength in diversity.



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