Illinois "Doomsday" budget threatens to cut off services to thousands of families and individuals
The Illinois State General Assembly, facing an unprecedented $9.5 billion deficit, recently passed a "doomsday" budget with massive cuts to state funded social services. Thousands of children, seniors, disabled persons, and parents affected by cuts attended a rally at the Thompson Center protesting the proposed budget. The rally received scant media coverage.
Many human service programs have already received notice from the state that they will be eliminated or drastically reduced. Services that will be eliminated or drastically reduced include:
• Programs that focus on supporting at-risk youth, including afterschool programs and delinquency prevention programs
• Domestic violence services, as well as services for survivors of sexual assault
• Support services for teen parents • Funding for foster care.
• Programs that provide assistance with psychiatric medications for those who can't afford them
• Home health care aides for the disabled
• Subsidized childcare centers
• Counseling for at-risk wards of state (DCFS)
There are many other examples of affected programs. The elimination of these services has the potential of creating hardship and crisis for many families and individuals in Illinois.
Please contact your representatives and ask that the budget not be balanced on the backs of the poor!
The Campaign for Illinois’ Future is a coalition of groups that it is working on this issue. To take action and send a message to your state legislator, please visit
Also, please e-mail or phone the following legislative leaders:
House Speaker Michael Madigan, 773-581-8000,
mmadigan (at)
Representative John D’Amico, 773-736-0218,
john_damico (at)
House Minority Leader Tom Cross, 815- 254-0000,
tom (at)
Senate President John Cullerton, 773-883-0770,
john (at)
Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno, 630-243-0800,
cradogno (at)
Rally Tuesday, 06-23-09: SEIU is providing free transportation to Springfield for a Springfield Human Service Coalition Rally. Locations are from all around the state. Please email
rose.white (at) to reserve spots. Buses need to be finalized on Monday, so please contact Rose by 9 am Monday morning.