LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police
March Against Police Violence At the 1968 Riot Cops Reunion
Join Chicago Copwatch for a march against police brutality and in celebration of murdered Black Panther Mark Clark's 62nd birthday.
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March Against Police Violence.doc (513 k)
Rally at Union Park Ashland Ave & Lake St
June 26th 6pm
March to Fraternal Order of Police Lodge
1412 W. Washington Blvd
The Chicago lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police will be hosting a 1968 Riot Cop Reunion. Officers who cracked heads at the Democratic Convention (and at the Division Street riots of 1966, and murdered Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark) will be hobnobbing with today's police who are still occupying our communities and repressing our rallies.
We're organizing hundreds of Chicagoans to rally and march, to speak from personal experience about violence of the Chicago police in the 1960s, as well as their violence today. We will be marching to the FOP lodge, and have filed for a permit to see if we can't make it a bit safer for everyone attending (although we will rally and march, permit or none).
Bring your friends, make effigies and dolls of riot police, and help us let these cops who celebrate their sadistic violence know: We can't forget, because we're still living it!
Join Chicago Copwatch for a march against police brutality and in celebration of Mark Clark's life who would be celebrating his 62nd birthday on June 28th.
Please help to spread the word by printing and distributing the attached flier, and forwarding this widely.