Come to a special Pride Month forum co-sponsored by the Center on Halsted and the Gay Liberation Network:
"Post-Prop 8: Next Steps for the LGBT Movement"
7 PM, Monday, June 22
at the
Center on Halsted
3656 N. Halsted
The discussion will focus on new directions for our movement following the defeat of civil unions in Illinois and marriage equality in California. Besides marriage equality, issues to be addressed include how do we get President Obama to fulfill his promises to our community, make Pride festivals more relevant, and should we have another march on Washington?
Following the four panelists' discussion with the audience, there will be a presentation on the recent Pride event in Moscow, Russia with GLN's Andy Thayer.
Christopher Clark, Senior Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal
Tania Unzueta, Chicago Dyke March organizer and immigrant rights activist
Catina Lowery, former Community Educator with Lambda Legal
Andy Thayer, co-founder, Gay Liberation Network
Immigration Rights
For LGBT's
GLN's Brent Holman-Gomez will be featured on "En Contexto," Chicago Telemundo channel 44's news program at 10 PM, Monday, June 8th. He will be discussing current immigration reform proposals and how they relate to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community. Mr. Holman-Gomez is a US Citizen in a bi-national couple and under current law cannot sponsor his husband as they are of the same sex.
March With Chicago's LGBT
Direct Action Group in
This Year's Pride Parade!
March in this year's Gay Pride Parade with Chicago's LGBT direct action group, the Gay Liberation Network! GLN not organizes for equal marriage rights, but other LGBT rights, rights for other groups, and solidarity with every hue of our rainbow community.
This year our contingent will meet at
11 AM, Sunday, June 28 at the corner of Barry and Halsted. If you can come at 10, we would appreciate the help setting up our signs and flags. Costumes, homemade signs, and slogan T-shirts welcome.
Other groups in support of LGBT rights are welcome to join us and represent their organizations, but please first contact us regarding themes for signs and banners.
On the preceeding day (Saturday, June 27), we will be marching in the annual Dyke March parade, meeting at 1 PM at the bank parking lot at the corner of 18th and Halsted Streets. For more information about either event, contact GLN at
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