Caterpillar bulldozers are a symbol of the destruction that military occupation has brought to Palestine and Israel. Caterpillar sells armor plated D-9 and D-11 bulldozers to the Israeli government. These machines are used to demolish Palestinian homes, uproot olive trees, build illegal settlements and the apartheid wall.
Since 1967, Caterpillar bulldozers have destroyed 12,000 civilian homes in the Palestinian Occupied Territories, leaving over 50,000 men, women and
children homeless. The bulldozers have crushed several people to death including Washington state native Rachel Corrie.
Human rights organizations, members of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
religious and social justice organizations and the victims themselves have called on Caterpillar to investigate the ethics of selling
bulldozers that are used to commit human rights abuses. This not only violates international law but Caterpillar’s own corporate code of ethics.
On Wednesday, June 10, 2009, Caterpillar shareholders will meet again in Chicago. Join human rights advocates across the country in using
Caterpillar's annual shareholder meeting to draw attention to Cat's crimes in Palestine/Israel and call for corporate accountability!
Ask the shareholders to vote YES on resolution 5.
For more information