LOCAL News :: Gender & Sexuality
Anti-Gay, Anti-Choice Haters to Rally in the Loop on Friday
Please help us counter their anti-equal rights message!
11:15 AM, Friday, May 22
Corner of Randolph and Clark Streets
(Look for the Rainbow flags)

A far-right collection of anti-gay and anti-abortion forces have said they will rally in the Loop mid-day on Friday, starting with an 11:30 am rally at the Thompson Center (Randolph and Clark Streets) with a noon march to the Federal Plaza (Adams and Dearborn Streets).
According to their publicity, the two principal aims of the event are support of the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act and against the proposed Freedom of Choice Act.
Long-time anti-gay leader Peter LaBarbera announced on his web page that he would be a speaker at this rally. LaBarbera was the principal force behind two failed attempts to get an anti-gay advisory referendum on Illinois's ballot – not exactly Illinois's version of Proposition 8, because it was an advisory measure, but dangerous nonetheless. He was the founder and leader of the Illinois Family Institute (IFI) until he was pushed out following a string of defeats, and now heads an even more virulent gay-hating group called Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.
Another scheduled speaker, David Smith, was LaBarbera's #2 person at the IFI until his promotion to the #1 position following LaBarbera's ouster. The IFI was recently labeled a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
GLN activists will gather at 11:15 AM across the street from the State of Illinois Building on Randolph Street (just look for the rainbow flags) to help counter the hate mongers who strive to impose their views on all Americans. LGBTQ people have a vested interest in claiming and maintaining control over our lives just as women do over their lives, including their reproductive functions.
Unlike President Obama's comments during his recent Notre Dame speech, one ought not place an equal sign between those who support democratic rights, and those opposed to equal marriage rights for gays and women's right to control their own bodies.
Please help swell the numbers of Chicagoans who support democratic rights, including equal marriage rights for Lesbians and Gays, and the right to abortion without hindrance from bigoted preachers, government officials or health bureaucracies.
Friday, May 22
11:15 AM
Across the street from the State of Illinois Building
100 W. Randolph Street (corner of Clark & Randolph)