LOCAL News :: Peace
What would it take to demilitarize our schools?
Pedagogy and Control
Saturday May 16th; 12–6PM
Kresge Hall: Rm 3-365, 1880 Campus Drive, Evanston
A series of discussions on what it means to demilitarize the Chicago Public Schools.
Facilitated by Skippy, David Solnit, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and contributions from local organizers.
Pedagogy and Control
We are very proud of our program in Chicago Public Schools. We have the largest JROTC program in the country in number of cadets and total programs. – Military Area Officer Mills
Currently there are six public military high schools in Chicago and countless Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) making the Chicago education system the most militarized in the United States. The militarization of Chicago youth has flourished recently despite Chicagoans strong opposition to the war. In 2006 approximately eighty percent of Chicagoans voted Yes on Countywide Public Policy Referenda Number Three: a non-binding referendum on the war which asked voters: "Shall the United States Government immediately begin an orderly and rapid withdrawal of all its military personnel from Iraq, beginning with the National Guard and Reserves?" The first teach-in “Pedagogy and Control,” will have the goal of exploring the militarization of education systems. This teach-in will focus on bringing different student and educational groups together to discuss recruitment, the militarization of educational spaces, and how to counter this process.