News :: Labor
Unity in diversity or labor disunity?
Labor disunited is more pronounced in the United States even though May Day is now celebrated with renewed vigor by the unions since 2006.
In almost every major city of the United States, workers and immigrants took to the streets to demand legalization and immigration reform. Hundreds of thousands marched and rallied US-wide for May 1 in a militant and defiant show of unity for a call for immigration reforms to the Obama administration.
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May 7, 2009
Contact: Jerry Esguerra
(818) 749-0272
Lessons of May 1, 2009
Los Angeles-- Unity in diversity or labor disunity?
Labor disunited is more pronounced in the United States even though May Day is now celebrated with renewed vigor by the unions since 2006.
In almost every major city of the United States, workers and immigrants took to the streets to demand legalization and immigration reform. Hundreds of thousands marched and rallied US-wide for May 1 in a militant and defiant show of unity for a call for immigration reforms to the Obama administration.
The Labor Front in Turmoil
This year, several labor federations banded together to form a single unified union of all unions. Like the old AFL-CIO they want to strengthen the labor front that has been greatly weakened by the division between the AFL-CIO and the Change to Win Coalition.
Later the Change to Win Coalition led by the SEIU International was shaken by the union intramurals between Andy Stern against the newly formed National United Health Workers (NUHW) led by San Francisco’s Sal Roselli.
More than 91,000 health workers in the west coast decided to defect to the new union- the National United Healthcare Workers –West or NUHW. This after the SEIU International declared trusteeship and tookover the defunct UHW-West. It seems labor is dividing itself and it was reflected in the May Day celebrations after the great unity in 2006.
Even the merger of HERE-UNITE was shaken by the wrangling. Probably caused by Andy Stern’s lieutenants, UNITE is questioning HERE’S expansion and expenses- a common problem in the unions with battles over union dues.
With more factories and work shipped abroad and at least 9 million job lost, the unions are fast losing its clout and are looking for new workers to organize. One bright horizon the Obama administration and the labor unions are looking are the 14 million “undocumented” immigrants in the United States.
Tasks of Labor
A large work force and a great source of funds, the government is looking in passing an immigration reform bill to tap this tax source and legalize at least five to seven million of them. But this is still an acrimonious process that still has to be settled.
And still with the labor bill in the US Congress, the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is in limbo with the corporations and the big business united against it- the labor front must get its act together or the labor will lose its clout an become as it always been- an adjunct or an appendage of the Democratic party.
It is an irony where labor worked for the Democratic Party to be elected and have an absolute majority in Congress just to see that EFCA, their pet bill diluted or not even passed in the US Congress.
This maybe the great difference about labor in Europe where the workers party still can get what they want While in the US, the workers sacrifices a lot for capitalist bosses and even cut their pay and allowances for the good of the economy.
A very great departure to the militant labor of the 1880’s to 1940’s that waged a battle for better pay, better living conditions and most of all respect, the AFL-CIO is losing manpower, finances and now respect of the workers of the nation. It must redeem itself and organize anew.