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LOCAL News :: Peace

Felony Trial of Anti-War, Anti-Bush Protester is Tuesday, May 5th

On January 7, 2008 President George W. Bush was greeted in Chicago by Mayor Richard M. Daley, Cardinal George, and a coterie of wealthy businessmen at the exclusive Union League Club. Jeff Pickert, Kevin Clark, Buddy Bell and I were arrested during a protest as Bush was leaving the club.
Arrest, LR, really.jpg
In a bench trial Kevin and Buddy were found not guilty of disorderly conduct and Jeff was found guilty and sentenced to supervision. I face two felony counts of aggravated battery on a police officer – the deputy commander of Chicago's central business district. If found guilty, I face a potential penalty of up to seven years in prison and $25,000 fines.

My jury trial begins at approximately 3 PM [note the revised time], Tuesday, May 5 in Judge Haberkorn's courtroom, Room 107 at the Cook County Courthouse, 5600 Old Orchard Road, Skokie. I believe that the charges against me are politically motivated, and as such, I need and would very much appreciate your attendance at my trial.

Thank you!

Andy Thayer


Here is a statement from Kevin, Buddy, Jeff and me — "The Bush 4"

Statement from "The Bush 4"

"It's a supreme irony that we find ourselves defendants in alleged crimes against an officer who escorted (as opposed to arrested) President George W. Bush. We have a president who is directly responsible for the deaths of over 1 million Iraqis, 10s of thousands of Afghanis, and thousands of Americans. This president has deliberately broken laws against spying on Americans. In authorizing torture, he has committed offenses recognized by Nuremburg as crimes against humanity.

"Rather than impeaching and trying Bush for these serious crimes, the alleged opposition in the Democratic leadership has participated in them. Rather than shunning this war criminal, Mayor Daley has greeted Bush with open arms on several occasions, eagerly lapping up Department of Homeland Security dollars for his police and money to militarize Chicago's schools.

"We believe the felony charges leveled by Deputy Commander James Keating against Andy are political retribution for his years' long organizing against the civil liberties violations organized by Daley and his police. This use of policing powers for political aims is a crass abuse of authority.

"Please show your opposition to the wars and the abuses of civil liberties that come with wars. Please attend the Tuesday, May 5th trial. Finally, our deep thanks to all those who have already helped fund our legal defense and supported us in court."

— The Bush 4 Defendants, Andy, Buddy, Kevin, and Jeff


Approximately $6000 is still needed for my legal defense – anything you can give is much appreciated. Checks can be made payable to "8th Day Center for Justice" (write "Bush Protesters Legal Defense" in the memo section) and mail to:

8th Day Center For Justice
Attn: Bush Protesters Legal Defense
205 W. Monroe Street, 5th floor
Chicago, IL 60606



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