A local Chicago "progressive" activist defends corruption and patronage as long as they are part of the local Democratic Machine.
The video at this link shows a prominent indymedia and local progressive activist defending the long-standing corrupt hiring practices in the city and county.
As Cook County CFO Dunning, a cousin of Board Pres. Stroger steps aside due to ethical concerns, a good move, her political opponents decry the relationship and imply improprieties.
A local well known activist comes forward, who is a Cook County Employee, and John Stroger Loyalist, as well as claiming to be progressive somehow.
Their attempt at defending their boss only serves to prove that political corruption is non-partisan. Their counter allegations, which are based in fact, do not disprove any corruption on the part of the person to whom they owes their paycheck. Rather, the implication is "everyone is doing it, so that makes it ok."
This kind of thinking is what exacerbates political corruption, inefficiency and negligence.
While attempting to obfuscate the issue by pointing fingers in other directions and taking attention off the issue at hand, it really only proves that there needs to be more than "change" on the horizon, but an entire shift in premise and therefore paradigm. Strategic placement of vocal volume certainly does -not- connote intelligent strategy. Certainly not.
When you consider that this sort of irrational & arrogant complicity and brazen support of the status quo is coming from someone who is a prominent local progressive, who mysteriously finds themselves in several positions of influence around the scene, and is simultaneously a Daley/ Stroger Machine Player, is it really any wonder that anything beautiful that is spontaneously organized to create meaningful change fails?
Can we connect some dots please?