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National Counter-Recruitment Conference Set for July

Event at Roosevelt University will bring together counter-recruitment activists from across the country.
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Please join us for the National Counter-Recruitment and Demilitarization Conference in Chicago, July 17-19, 2009

Register Now Online at
Workshop proposal forms and scholarship applications are also available

This conference will bring together a broad spectrum of people to share skills and form the relationships needed to build a permanent resistance to militarism. Youth, parents, educators, veterans, artists, members of social justice organizations and more will come together for practical training on counter recruitment, legislative challenges and public pressure to promote nonmilitary alternatives.

Even though the Bush era is over, these are still critical times for the counter-recruitment movement.

*President Obama is committed to increasing the military by 92,000 additional soldiers and expanding the war in Afghanistan.

*For recruiters, “school ownership” is their goal. They present themselves as “counselors” and are free to roam the halls and socialize with students. In many schools recruiters have their own office space and use class time to recruit. In most schools there is no one to help students evaluate what recruiters are offering or to help explore all the alternatives.

*In our schools every year 600,000 high school students take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). In 1000 schools students are forced to take it. This military test is nothing but a recruiting tool. Half a million students are enrolled in JROTC while other, nonmilitary programs are cut. School districts everywhere are opening publicly funded military academies.

*In our communities we are facing an economy that loses a half million jobs monthly, rising college costs, reduction in student aid, closing of training programs, lack of affordable housing and healthcare, and a growing crackdown on immigrants. This means that more people will see the military as their only option. This is a “Poverty Draft.”

But the issue isn’t only counter recruitment. It is about militarism.
Military attitudes and values like obedience, conformity and the use of force to solve problems have seeped into every area of our society.
One result is that many people believe that the only way to serve their country is to join the military. Another result is that we allow trillions of dollars to be spent on war and the military while our communities face crushing cuts in education, health care and other essential services.

It is crucial that counter-recruitment and social justice activists, youth and all who want to do something about it gather for this weekend of skill sharing, strategizing and solidarity.

We are committed to making sure that this conference brings together the broadest possible range of participants, especially youth.
Scholarships are available to help cover the cost of travel and housing. Priority will be given to youth, residents of areas with few counter-recruitment resources and those who would otherwise not be able to attend.

It’s your world change it!

This historic event is being organized by activists and volunteers across the country working in collaboration with NNOMY, the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth. For more information:, crconf (at)



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