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Stop the Deportation of Pol Brennan Irish Detainee

Urgent action required Pol Brennan Irish Detainee faces Deportation fro US despite living in US for over 20 years.
Friends and supporters,

I have been informed by ICE that my appeal has been denied and an order of removal has been served on me. I am to be deported ASAP we have one last avenue open to us. I am asking for people and organizations that have supported me in my fight to remain in the US to write to the Director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, on my behalf pursuant to section 212(d)(3)(B)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) The secretary of Homeland Security may conclude in her sole unreviewable discretion to not apply certain of the terrorist related grounds of inadmissibility at section 212(a)(3)(B) of the INA.(See attached Fact Sheet).

NOW is the time for a strong and concerted letter writing campaign to Janet Napolitano, Director of Homeland Security.

Please be aware of the items listed below to follow when writing your letters to Homeland Security. While some of these might be a "no-brainers" to some; it is there for those who've not found themselves in a position of writing to a judge or an elected official before now. All of these are of
equal AND paramount importance!

1) We CANNOT write directly to Homeland Security; letters MUST be written and addressed to Director Janet Napolitano, Department of Homeland Security BUT MUST BE MAILED TO Pol's attorney:

Attorney Marc Van Der Hout
Van Der Hout, Brigagliano & Nightingale
San Francisco Office
180 Sutter Street
5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104-4001
Phone: 415-981-3000
Fax: 415-981-3003

Write your letter and put it in an UNSEALED envelope and address this letter to:

Director Janet Napolitano
Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

Then you can open the letter with words to the effect of: "The Honorable Director Janet Napolitano:" (or an opening to that effect - addressing the Director and including the esteem and decorum due to her), Put this UNSEALED envelope into another envelope AND seal this one and address it to:

Attorney Marc Van Der Hout
Van Der Hout, Brigagliano & Nightingale
San Francisco Office
180 Sutter Street
5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104-4001


2) TIMELINESS... Letters need to be sent NOW to allow time for Marc Van Der Hout to compile them and forward them to Homeland Security.

3) If you are writing on behalf of an established Irish Organization, a Law Firm, a Political Party or Organization, a Church or from a professional
organization such as an educational institution, a trade union, or the like,

- PLEASE WRITE YOUR LETTER on your Organization's letterhead! It will stand out and capture the attention and carry greater weight.

4) CLARITY AND BREVITY: We anticipate (and hope) that Homeland Security, through this and other forums, will receive a great number of letters... an
OVERABUNDANCE of letters is great! Given that,
be factual and state your support, but be BRIEF AND TO THE POINT! Make every effort to keep your communication to a page and BY ALL MEANS, DO NOT
EXCEED two pages (anything more than one and one-half pages tends to be set aside and not read!),

If you have any questions in this regard, please send them to Mike (at) or information (at) or phone Mike at 949-370-2970 straight away!

I thank you for all you've done to date. Now I ask that you ramp it up a
notch and take the time to write your letter on my behalf .

Many Thanks to All,

Pol Brennan
# A88 785 324
Irish Detainee



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