Successful Ending! Together We Build A New Immigrant Workers Rights and Justice Movements of 2009!
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Conference Report, Campaign Proposals
National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN) is a grassroots, broad-based, multiethnic coalition of community, immigrant, labor, human rights and student activist groups, founded in 2002 in response to the urgent needs for the national coalition to fight immigrant bashing, support immigrant rights, no to the sweatshops exploitation and end to the racism on the community! We also actively linking our issues with different struggles: wars in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine & Korea with sweatshops exploitation in Asia as well as in Los Angeles, New York; international arm sales and WTO, FTAA, NAFTA & CAFTA with AIDS, hunger, child labors and child solider; as well as multinational corporations and economic exploitation with racism and poverty at home—in order we can win the struggle together.
Between April 10-12, 2009 on Chicago, IL; over 110 organizers, activists and community members from African American, Native American, African immigrant, European Immigrant, Asian American, Latino/Latina, Arab-Muslim-North African, progressive labor, interfaith, LGBT, student, anti-war/peace and global justice groups from across the country. To meet face-to-face at to discuss how to build a new national, broad-based, immigrant rights/civil rights movement, and to set our 2009-2010 national grassroots immigrant campaign strategy.
We agrees together we’ll focus on building all multi-ethnic, multi-constituent, broad-based grassroots immigrant rights movements run by de-centralized volunteer-based community-rooted immigrant rights activists from youth, workers and community members who can play more active role on campaign formulation and decision making for local coalition building to organize popular education campaigns, such as: campaign to against immigrant dentition, deportation & raids; immigrant labor rights movement; campaign against local anti-immigrant ordinance; comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) and linking the immigrant rights movement with other struggles, such as: anti-war and anti-globalization movements.
We welcomes our new steering committee member Alex Franco from Movement for Unconditional Amnesty, Philadelphia, PA.
We'll also discuss the lessons from the 2008 election and what we should expect from the new President and the Congress affecting immigrant legislation for the next two years.
We acknowledges that different people from different organizations, backgrounds have different believes on how to achieve the justice and better future for the tens of millions of immigrants across the country, and how immigrant rights movements can link to the broader peace and justice movements.
We had agreements, we have difference and even heated debates; after three days conference, at Sunday April 12th based on the feedbacks and proposals submitted to the conference, we had draft our new points of unity and strategic immigrant campaign proposals.
For those didn’t able to come, we welcome your feedback and any suggestions of additions/modifications to or no later then Friday April 24, 2009.
Conference Report, Campaign Proposals
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National Immigrant Solidarity Network: Principle and Strategic Campaign proposals for 2009-2010
(Drafted on 4/10-12, 2009 Chicago,IL: NISN National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference)
National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN) is a grassroots, broad-based, multiethnic coalition of community, immigrant, labor, human rights and student activist groups, founded in 2002 in response to the urgent needs for the national coalition to fight immigrant bashing, support immigrant rights, no to the sweatshops exploitation and end to the racism on the community! We also actively linking our issues with different struggles: wars in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine & Korea with sweatshops exploitation in Asia as well as in Los Angeles, New York; international arm sales and WTO, FTAA, NAFTA & CAFTA with AIDS, hunger, child labors and child solider; as well as multinational corporations and economic exploitation with racism and poverty at home—in order we can win the struggle together.
Between April 10-12, 2009 on Chicago, IL; over 110 organizers, activists and community members from African American, Native American, African immigrant, European Immigrant, Asian American, Latino/Latina, Arab-Muslim-North African, progressive labor, interfaith, LGBT, student, anti-war/peace and global justice groups from across the country. To meet face-to-face at to discuss how to build a new national, broad-based, immigrant rights/civil rights movement, and to set our 2009-2010 national grassroots immigrant campaign strategy.
We agrees together we’ll focus on building all multi-ethnic, multi-constituent, broad-based grassroots immigrant rights movements run by de-centralized volunteer-based community-rooted immigrant rights activists from youth, workers and community members who can play more active role on campaign formulation and decision making for local coalition building to organize popular education campaigns, such as: campaign to against immigrant dentition, deportation & raids; immigrant labor rights movement; campaign against local anti-immigrant ordinance; comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) and linking the immigrant rights movement with other struggles, such as: anti-war and anti-globalization movements.
We'll also discuss the lessons from the 2008 election and what we should expect from the new President and the Congress affecting immigrant legislation for the next two years.
During the conference, we passed our new points of unity and strategic campaign areas for the NISN for 2009-2010.
The new NISN points of unity are:
1) No to anti-immigrant legislation, and the criminalization of the immigrant communities.
2) No to militarization of the border.
3) No to the immigrant detention and deportation.
4) No to the guest worker program.
5) No to employer sanction and "no match" letters.
6) Yes to a path to legalization without condition for undocumented immigrants NOW.
7) Yes to speedy family reunification.
8) Yes to civil rights and humane immigration law.
9) Yes to labor rights and living wages for all workers.
10) Yes to the education and LGBTQ immigrant legislation.
The NISN strategic campaign areas for the 2009-2010:
- Support building grassroots networks and actions to demand unconditional legalization
- Linking Immigrant Rights Movements with Other Struggles
- Immigrant Raids, Detention & Deportation
- Immigrant Labor Campaigns and Day Labor Centers
- Housing, Education and Healthcare Rights for the Immigrants
- No to the Border Wall and Militization of the Border
- Strategic Resources for the Immigrant Activists
- Support Local Grassroots Immigrant Campaigns
- Building a Multi-ethnic, Multi-Constituents-Based Immigrant Rights Movement
- Congressional Immigrant Legislation
- International Immigrant Rights Campaigns
- Campaign to end exploitation of immigrants by the military establishment
- Use Chicago and San Francisco as base legislative proposal to promote comprehensive immigration reform that comes from the immigrant community in order to form 1 proposal to promote by September 1, 2009. We will also encourage other cities to form their own proposals and coordinate a united proposal.
In addition, we also passed the following proposal for the actions:
Proposals One
Alex Franco
Movement for Unconditional Amnesty
International Workers Day March, San Francisco
In San Francisco, there were federal raids on May 2nd in El Balazo Taquerias detaining over 40 people. In Chicago, there were no raids the day after the may day march but suburbs do have raids
Coordinate to file temporary restraining order (federal injunction) against federal raids on May 2nd in cities that have had retaliatory raids on May 2nd in the past. This will discourage local police against turning over undocumented immigrants to the feds.
(This proposal could also link with NISN’s propose September 2009 Congressional lobbying day)
Proposal Two
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
NISN will call for May Day 2009 National Immigrant Rights Mobilization; we’ll offer tactical supports such as: May Day information clearinghouse and phone legal training for the May Day 2009 organizers.
Non-Binding Administrative Proposal
- Establishing NISN’s Chicago chapter (could be call: Chicago NISN Network), will have regular working meetings, action plan and fund raising events.
- Calling for our next 5th NISN National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference will be around May 1-3, 2010, location will be decided no later then August, 2009.
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