Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge 7 surrounds City Hall protesting lack of contract for 21 months.
Total Running Time 6min 50sec
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In largest demonstration on Chicago streets all year, the Chicago Police Department brings buses of off duty officers and family members to demand Mayor Daley and the City Council negotiate a fair contract.
Mark Donahue, president of the FOP states his organization is for the Olympics if the City can stay solvent doing it. Leroy Jones, City Division Director of SEIU states all city workers' contracts are being held up and the Olympics are being funded on the workers' backs. Marilyn Stewart, President of the Chicago Teachers Union points out how many schools are being closed in the Olympic footprint. One citizen passing by says seeing so many cops ringing City Hall makes him want to rush home and protect his family.
TRT 6min 50sec
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Coincidently, this day brought the IOC Committee to town to survey the Olympic bid, a pet project of Daley and developers. Many picketers didn't think it was going to happen in 2016.
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A classic description from the real Mayor Daley, timeless through generations.