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The New World Order's ObamaNation

Matt Taibbi has written an important article in this month's Rolling Stone magazine. In it he explains to the reader, in laymen's terms, just what happened, how it happened, and who benefited from the massive taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street's biggest firms. But, most importantly, he hits the nail on the head by saying that the Republic is officially dead (and we do hear the dirge) -- there is no more pretense that we live in a democracy under the rule of law, because now the lawless ones have "officially" taken over the apparatus of the state and given us the finger in the process. Yes, as Taibbi's says: "We are royally fucked." Congress is now a collection of rubber stampers, and the people -- Wall Street slaves.
Taibbi writes in the "The Big Takeover":

"The crisis was the coup de grâce: Given virtually free rein over the economy, these same insiders first wrecked the financial world, then cunningly granted themselves nearly unlimited emergency powers to clean up their own mess. And so the gambling-addict leaders of companies like AIG end up not penniless and in jail, but with an Alien-style death grip on the Treasury and the Federal Reserve — "our partners in the government," as Liddy put it with a shockingly casual matter-of-factness after the most recent bailout."

The gambler-addicts have taken over and are running (and ruining) the country, and, we can bet that they will be jonesing for their next fix soon. Just the other day, in an effort to stave off Wall Street's DDTs, Geithner injected these vampires with liquidity by promising to take their toxic assets off the balance sheet with taxpayer's blood. But, as anyone who has ever known an addict will tell you, it will get worse, much worse as addicts are expert liars and manipulators. They will say, and do, anything to get their next fix. Lock your doors and hide what little, and, hopefully, what 'real' money you have left.

Although I commend Matt for putting many of the festering pieces together to help us understand the legalized, mafioso-world of high finance and their partners in crime in congress, there are a few notable dots in this exposé that he forgot to connect -- namely, the relationships that certain Obama cabinet members have to those benefitting most from the bailout (though Taibbi does mention some of these cancerous moles in his article).

For instance, one of the key benefactors of the bailout-"stimulus" bills not mentioned in the article is that perennial fixer/war criminal Henry Kissinger -- and, as a corollary, his corporate clients (but you intuitively already knew that, didn't you?). Yes, Obama's trusted servant, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, worked for three years with Kissinger Associates, supposedly helping Henry research a book. And, after this literary stint with Kissinger, the ambitious Geithner went to work at the U.S. Treasury as Under Secretary for International Affairs under Robert Rubin (a Goldman Sachs man) and Lawrence Summers -- two key players who help usher in the deregulation of the financial industry by lobbying for the ruination of the Glass-Steagall Act.

Why is this important? Well, it may have to do with the fact the A.I.G. -- the company being publicly pilloried today for dolling out millions of dollars in executive bonuses -- is a strategic partner with Kissinger Associates, Inc.

In an article written by John Horne for 9/ we read:

American International Group, Inc. (AIG), The Blackstone Group L. P. and Kissinger Associates Inc. announced the establishment of a new venture to provide financial advisory services to corporations seeking high-level independent strategic advice. […] The venture will operate globally and will take advantage of the existing relationships between the partners:

- AIG has an ownership interest in Blackstone and is an investor in several of Blackstone's private equity funds;

- AIG and Blackstone have a joint venture, specializing in restructuring and M&A (mergers and acquisitions) advisory services in selected Asian countries;

- Henry Kissinger chairs both AIG's International Advisory Board and the advisory boards of several AIG-sponsored Infrastructure Funds.

Kissinger Associates, by John Horne

Is our New World Order jigsaw puzzle beginning to take shape now? Oh, but it gets better...

Timmy's father, Peter Geithner, fits in miraculously to the mix as he was is a former top official of the Ford Foundation (a NWO front group) who knew Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham-Soetoro, when she was working on “microfinance” programs in Indonesia. Indeed, the elite travel in a very small circles.

The puzzle begins to take shape further when we see how our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and her hubby, Bill, are "life-long friends"with Thomas F. (Mack) McLarty, III, who joined Kissinger Associates, Inc. to form Kissinger McLarty Associates in 1992.

According to Wikipedia: Kissinger Associates (McLarty left the firm in January 2008 to start his own company) specialty is in "assisting its clientele in identifying strategic partners and investment opportunities, and advises clients on government relations throughout the world. It was established in July, 1982 after loans had been secured from Goldman Sachs and a consortium of three other banks."

So, the puzzle is becoming clear with anyone with eyes to see. With a good chunk of the bailout money going to Kissinger-affiliated firms like A.I.G., JPMorgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs; and with the recent reshuffling of strategic partners (bye-bye Bear Stearns and Lehman Bros, plus the many community banks that have been taken over or shut down because they bought into the toxic mortgage schemes); and with the new investment opportunities that Geithner is now promising Wall Street firms, we see what the financial crisis really is -- a well-structure M&A (merging and acquisition) project of the United States of America, which follows perfectly Kissinger Associates, Inc. strategic goals.

The government will now be taking all its marching orders straight from the central banking- NWO elite as declared by Obama's new National Security Adviser, Jim Jones, speaking at CFR function:

"Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today." -- "NSC advisor Jones: “I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger",

Of course these relationships between individuals who are in key positions in the Obama administration and shady consulting firms like Kissinger Associates would have no baring on Obama's agenda? Of course not. He's his own man, they keep telling us. And, if you believe that, there is some Kool-Aid they would like you to drink. Maybe today's new Jim Jones will administer it.



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