"The Chicago Free Skool is here to help build a community through the free and decentralized exchange of knowledge. Educate to Liberate!"
On April 1st we are calling for a general city-wide meeting to help launch the Free Skool. We will be presenting all the class proposals we have received so far.
If you are interested in facilitating or teaching new classes, attend any classes currently being offered, or help with the organizing of the Free Skool in general, please show up!
We have set up a website at
www.chicagofreeskool.org as well as an announcement email list (
chicagofreeskool.org/mailman/listinfo/announce_chicagofreeskool.org ).
So come to Meet, Greet, but please, no meat!
WHEN: April 1st Potluck @ 7PM Meeting @ 8:30ish
WHERE: Weiser House 2106 S. Kedzie
chicagofreeskool (at) gmail.com