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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

A modern fairy tale ...

Remotely similar situation, directly related to electoral fraud, took us to the revolution of the thirties and to the rise of Getúlio to power. I hope and I ask that President Lula makes good sense to prevail.
A modern fairy tale ...

If I was not the 56 years old that I am, if I had not done the walking I've done, if I had not seen what I've seen, if I had not read what I've read, I would be delighted ...

Wow ... The prince of the most famous, mediatic and rich royal house on the planet landed in the Amazon to receive an award for his significant contributions in protecting the forest. Beautifuly he speaks on the urgency of stoping climate change, he talks to NGOs, authorities, indigenous ...

In a tremendous match, those that only happen in fairy tales, in the controversy "reserve Raposa Serra do Sol", 600 Indians, 600 Brazilians, claim for themselves a "piece of land" equivalent to many nations of the planet and capable of containing and supportint several million inhabitants.

Six hundred among 180,000,000 Brazilian people...

And, of course, all this so they can maintain their culture, their particular way of living and the environment supposedly untouched.

It is also another of those coincidences of fairy tales, that the reserve they want to ensure in continuous demarcation, at the Supreme Federal Court, the next march the 18th, is second many sources, including the general Lessa, former military commander of the Amazon and former president of brazilian military club, full of strategic minerals, rare, very valuable.

According to the sources, it is also filled with representatives of NGOs, almost all blond and speaking English peolple, although a Brazilian minister has put "the tail-between-the-legs" when prevented from entering there.

Our noble brothers of the jungle will have to forgive me, but something does not "hits" in this fairy tale. It is not possible this supposed untouchability and this immutability, when the same international interest moves on the way to the forest, to unconsciously get from its destruction, miserable soya, timber and livestock.

Despite the demential concessions of the times of FHC, which established the precedents for this ridiculous situation, it is a piece of Brazil, there is no sense in giving to 600 people the absolute sovereignty on that fabulous wealth so that obviously will be appropriated by others, as also there is no sense that people sometimes "reconstructed" by foreign hands, contribute to the Balkanization of Brazil, supposedly to preserve the "purity" of a culture that does not even exist.

This is not fairy tale. This is racism and I have to remember that Brazil was built exactly in the opposite way. The mixture, the communion and the syncretism are our core strengths.

The same forces that want to sell us this lie, are selling the most satanic creation of mankind: the transgenic, the GMOs, that if not eliminated, will eliminate us all and then, yes, none will no longer worry about climate change.

It was the mixture, tolerance, peaceful coexistence that gave us the instrument, that yes, points and guarantees for the reconstruction of the living system of plants and animals and of prosperity.

It was the Swiss Ernst Götsch that from the top of his botany and environmental wisdom, developed at Bahia, among Indians and "caboclos", the SAFRA, regenerative similar agroforestry systems, which are simply the future of Earth and mankind, finally living in peace.

The Supreme Federal Court, especially in the figure of the Minister Gilmar Mendes (Daniel Dantas Case), has launched the country into a climate of uncertainty, arbitrariness, neglect for the constitution and profound collective dissatisfaction that can lead us to an unpredictable scenario, especially when added to the monumental economic crisis in motion.

Remotely similar situation, directly related to electoral fraud, took us to the revolution of the thirties and to the rise of Getúlio to power. I hope and I ask that President Lula makes good sense to prevail.



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