Union Organizer Director / Union Busting Expert with over 30 Years Experience is Available to Comment or Debate opposing opposition on the merits, Facts and Truth of WHY we need the Employee Free Choice Act.
For Immediate Release: March 11, 2009
Employee Free Choice Act: Union Organizer / Director / Union Busting Expert Available For Comment or Debate on the EFCA
Union Organizer Director / Union Busting Expert with over 30 Years Experience is Available to Comment or Debate opposing opposition on the merits, Facts and Truth of WHY we need the Employee Free Choice Act.
Current Bill
MICHIGAN, March 11 /EFCAPRNewswire/ — SPFPA Organizing Director Steve Maritas, International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America SPFPA, is available to provide expert commentary or debate for media covering the introduction in Congress of the proposed Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA).
SPFPA is the largest, oldest and fastest growing 9(b)(3) union representing security, police professionals in the world today.
According to the Bureau of National Affairs inc. (BNA) has identified the SPFPA as being in the top 15 most active organizing unions in the United States today.
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BNA has listed SPFPA at number(# 7 ) in regards to the number of representation election held in three quarters of 2007 and ranked at
( #5 ) for brining in a total of 2,241 members during that same period.
The other top four unions consist of the SEIU, Teamsters, UAW, UFCW,
SPFPA’s organizing department is by far one of the most successful and one of the most aggressive in combating union busting strategies, consultants and law firms hired by Fortune 500 companies nationwide.
SPFPA has just recently been successful in organizing over 700 security police professionals working at the State Department in Washington D.C., the Department of Labor, and most notable, beating Labor management consultant Mark Garrity at Ballys Casino in Atlantic City.
Boardwalk Beat! News Ballys Votes On Unions -
Las Vegas Sun Fri, Mar 6, 2009 reports
"Labor management consultant Mark Garrity has been successful in helping businesses keep unions out of the workplace. According to Garrity, he has a 97 percent success rate over his 25 years as a union buster."
In addition SPFPA is currently involved in a fierce litigation battle with MGM Mirage Casinos in Las Vegas who spent millions of dollars on union busting consultants in a 24 hour 7 day a week union busting campaign that lasted months at several of their casinos.
About EFCA
1) It would Remove current obstacles to employees who want collective bargaining. 2) Guarantee that workers who can choose collective bargaining are able to achieve a contract. 3) Allow employees to form unions by signing cards authorizing union representation either by a Secret Ballot or Card Check.4)Strengthening Enforcement.
For More Information on EFCA please visit our websites and blog
For more information on Employer Intimidation and Union-Busting FEAR Tactics Press Below
For more information on the Employee Free Choice Act from Congress,
click here.
Tags: Employee Free Choice Act, Free Choice Act, EFCA, Employee Free Choice Act News, Union Organizing, Union Busting, SPFPA, Steve Maritas, The Truth about the Employee Free Choice Act.