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JFK and The Employee Free Choice Act

Employee Free Choice Act: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country" EFCA NOW

John F. Kennedy inaugural speech
The inaugural speech of John F. Kennedy set a tone for his administration and gave people a renewed vision of America and the task at hand. He asked for sacrifice from a generation who understood what that was

Now we are in the biggest financial crisis, world leaders say, since the Great Depression;A few days ago a new report revealed that Unemployment hits 25-year high. The U.S. economy continued to hemorrhage jobs in February, bringing total job losses over the last six months to more than 3.3 million, and taking the unemployment rate to its highest level in 25 years.

The Employee Free Choice Act must be signed into law and soon. Recent studies show that it will help rebuild our economy. Leading Economists have all agreed the Employee Free Choice is Key to Rebuilding Economy The statement, signed by 39 of America’s top economists, including two Nobel Prize winners, points to the failure of U.S. labor laws to protect employees’ freedom to form a union and bargain as a major factor in our economic crisis. The statement says in part: Indeed, from 2000 to 2007, the income of the median working-age household fell by $2,000—an unprecedented decline. In that time, virtually all of the nation’s economic growth went to a small number of wealthy Americans. An important reason for the shift from broadly shared prosperity to growing inequality is the erosion of workers’ ability to form unions and bargain collectively.

Now is the time to take back our country and only you and your families can make this happen.

It is important that we let our legislators know that the Employee Free Choice Act is something that we need to have as workers….We need to take action and level the playing field.

To help keep that pressure on lawmakers, a grassroots effort must be started now.

This can be done in a number of ways:

By writing to our legislators both in the House and Senate we can let them know that the ability to form and join a union is a right that should be guaranteed to all workers. As union members and working families we must take on the challenge of making sure all our fellow workers are able to enjoy the benefits of having a union.


Another way is to Sign the Petition in support of the Employee Free Choice Act(EFCA).

Sign the Petition:

America’s workers are struggling to make ends meet. Paychecks are shrinking and health care is skyrocketing while CEOs earn millions. In today’s economy, we need policies that give workers a fair shake.

When workers are free to choose to join a union, our economy can work for everyone again. That’s why we need the Employee Free Choice Act—a bill in Congress that would help level the playing field and give workers the freedom to choose a union.

The Employee Free Choice Act will give more workers a chance to form unions and get better health care, job security, and benefits – and an opportunity to pursue their dreams.

Support this bill and add your name to our list of over one million signatures!

Sign the Petition:

Despite the flood of careless misinformation and intentional falsehoods about the freedom of workers to form unions, the Employee Free Choice Act has earned broad support and is likely to be passed by Congress and signed into law by Obama. The corporate hacks and anti-union groups are spending millions (an estimated $72 million in 2008 alone, reports The Hill in a losing battle against the bill.

To help counter the misinformation and intentional falsehoods about the Employee Free Choice Act by such corporate front groups such as the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, My Private Ballot,Save Our Secret Ballot,U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Employee Freedom Action Committee, Alliance For Worker AFW, Americans For Job Security and the public relations firm behind the Employee Free Choice Act " Losing our Secret Ballot strategy Navigators Global, we ask that you set up a FREE blog using Blogger and post your letters to your legislators on your blog.

In addition you can repost any of my articles on my blogs or which are posted daily.

Another Source is the AFL-CIO Blog

"In the end with your help we can together achieve democracy in the workplace by restoring workers rights with your efforts in helping the Employee Free Choice Act become law"

Steve Maritas International Organizing Director Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America www.SPFPA.ORG

For More Information on EFCA please visit our websites and blog





For more information on Employer FEAR, Coercion and Intimidation Union Busting Tactics Press Below

Tags: Employee Free Choice Act, Free Choice Act, EFCA, Card Check, Secret Ballot,Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, My Private Ballot, Navigators Global, Workers Rights, Labor Union, Unions, Save Our Secret Ballot,U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Employee Freedom Action Committee, Alliance For Worker AFW, Americans For Job Security,SPFPA.

Labels: card check, Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, EFCA, Employee Free Choice Act, Free Choice Act, Labor Union, My Private Ballot, Navigators Global, Secret Ballot, SPFPA, Unions, Workers Rights



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