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Employee Free Choice Act: The Rats are Coming Out of The Woodwork

Labor Relations Institute Offers $10,000 Reward Exposing a key flaw of the Employee Free Choice Act.
Employee Free Choice Act: The Rats are Coming Out of The Woodwork

Labor Relations Institute Offers $10,000 Reward Exposing a key flaw of the Employee Free Choice Act.

Tulsa, OK (PRWEB) March 4, 2009 -- Exposing a key flaw of the Employee Free Choice Act, the Labor Relations Institute is offering a $10,000 reward to the first Federal arbitrator who can show they have settled a first contract between a union and a private-sector employer in less than 90 days.

What the Labor Relations Institute (LRI) has FAILED to Mention is THE FACT that Federal Arbitrators are NEVER Called to assist in the First 90 Days because the Union tries to Bargain in good Faith.

Even if an Employer from the get-go FAILS to Bargain in Good Faith by the Time a Federal Arbitrator is called in and Management finds a date to sit down and negotiate (Stall Tactics and Delays) the 90 day period would elapse. I Guess LRI FAILED to Mention That in Their Press Release!

Labor Relations Institute (LRI) since you like to gamble I Challenge YOU to Put up a $10,000 Reward for Every Worker Who has been FIRED in the Last six months (6) during the First 42 Days of A Union Campaign. PUT YOUR MONEY Where YOUR Mouth Is Labor Relations Institute LRI !

Facts about the Labor Relations Institute Inc They Don't Want YOU to Know. They are UNION BUSTERS

The symptoms/tactics that an employer is determined to get rid of the union by the use of union busters include:

Firing and disciplining key union activists

Harassing and intimidating the rank and- file around minor issues

Cancellation and delays at the bargaining table

Constant roadblocks and massive demands for concessions in bargaining

Use of constant scare tactics and threats

Luring employees into toothless power sharing schemes

Unilaterally instituting new employee policies


Mr. Vice Pres: Don't Forget to Tell The Labor Bosses about the Employee Free Choice Act and You Know That The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Polls are Nothing but a Big SCAM

The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace and their multi-million dollar public relations firm Navigators Global Continue to Lie and spread disinformation about the Employee Free Choice Act. Here is their New Press Release Below:

Mr. Vice President: 74% of Rank and File Union Members Oppose Card Check; Don't Forget About Them When You Address The AFL-CIO Labor Bosses

Tags: Employee Free Choice Act, Free Choice Act, EFCA,Labor Relations Institute, LRI, Union Busting, Union Busting Tactics, Union Avoidance, Corporate Front Groups, Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, Navigators Global

Posted by Employee Free Choice Act Now . Org at 10:45 AM

Labels: Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, Corporate Front Groups, EFCA, Employee Free Choice Act, Free Choice Act, Labor Relations Institute, LRI, Navigators Global, Union Busting, Union Busting Tactics



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