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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Protest Activity

Hegemony or Survival, NATO 2009

So the question is, hegemony or survival?
In April of this year NATO will convene for their 60th conference in Strasbourg. They will be met with a large group of protestors who know very well that NATO is leading us to the brink of nuclear disaster, which is not very far off unfortunately. We are at a crucial time in history when the threat of environmental disaster, and more imminently nuclear disaster is threatening the very existence of the human species. Nuclear proliferation by NATO countries, and the addition of NATO countries in the East of Europe have caused Russia to drastically increase its nuclear programs in response. According to experts on the subject Russia's nuclear systems are prone to technical errors and because of Russia's lack of funds to properly maintain their nuclear arsenal the chances of an accidental misfiring are extremely likely to happen in the future. On top of this NATO countries see fit to further endanger the species through the militarization of space, something which the Clinton administration bragged could "protect U.S. interests and investment" by the click of a button.

Well friend we face the question, shall we embrace Hegemony like our ancestors, or will we take to the streets in solidarity with those in Strasbourg in April? Will we choose survival? The question is up to you, and I urge us all to organize for some show of resistance to NATO's policies this coming april.



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