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Hard Disks of bangster Daniel Dantas are in hands of the CIA.

Finally, fighting for justice today. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Justice delayed is justice denied." So, we appreciate your vigilance and support for the processes of evaluation and dissemination of data contained in the 12 disks in the possession of the CIA are not obstructed. We want only the truth, because we know that just truth guarantees the sovereignty of our people.
Hard Disks of bangster Daniel Dantas are in hands of the CIA.

The federal policeman Protógenes discloses a letter calling for the support of President Obama in the fight against corruption in Brazil, through the revelation of the contents of Hard Disks of banker Daniel Dantas that are in hands of the CIA.

Letter to President Obama

Dear President Barack Obama,

As is widely recognized, your election to the supreme charge of the U.S. reaffirms and strengthens the fight for democracy and justice waged by honest citizens in nations around the world. We believe that there is, in fact, "a fight in progress that goes beyond the ocean" relating to the welfare of the whole human community. It is in this spirit that we are sending this communication to your attention.

Brazil live moments of weakness, as evidences of schemes of corruption that threaten the sovereignty of our country are currently being evaluated in the U.S.. We therefore need your support. We know, after all, that international organized crime has no involvement with the public value of the nations of the planet, but only with their decimation, which perpetuates the scourge and suffering of hundreds of millions of human beings in all countries.

The Brazilian fight against corruption has become more intensified in recent months as the operation Satiagraha of Federal Police has shown to Brazilian people the involvement of the three powers of the republic in corruption schemes. This became public from the seizure and condemnation of the bandit-banker Daniel Dantas, the financial agent of numerous frauds and criminal acts done in the past 15 years with the highest government representatives of the executive, legislature and judiciary of Brazil.

As a result of this unfortunate landscape, the powers of the Brazilian republic have acted so obviously arbitrary and undemocraticly, to obstruct the processes of law and order, thus betraying the interests of 190 million Brazilian citizens to encourage criminals already convicted by the laws of the country.

The fact is that the 2 billion dollars already blocked with the help of foreign governments from the total of $ 16 billion embezzled by bandit-banker Daniel Dantas show the truth of the crimes and the fight will prove that, yes, they go beyond the oceans. Even so and despite having been sentenced to ten years imprisonment and to pay a fine of $ 12 million for trying to bribe a representative of the Federal Police, the convicted bangster responds to verdict in freedom after receiving two successive habeas corpus against throughout all the history of trials and overviews of the Brazilian Supreme Court.

Unfortunately it is not only the judiciary that is on the payroll of bandit-banker Daniel Dantas. The president of the republic, Lula, just put his friends to take control of the Brazilian Intelligence System (Sisbin) with a decree on February 19, 2009, to obstruct proceedings concerning the sovereignty of the nation moreover, a move not too far from the Patriot Act of President G.W. Bush that costed the U.S. a delay that you can measure better than anyone. In this case, 11 autonomous entities, including the Brazilian armed forces, formed a council that coordinated the Sisbin. This council has now been replaced by a committee of six individuals friends of Lula, all with a highly questionable ethical past.

How is of public knowledge, the information researched by Satiagraha operation containing evidences of the crimes mentioned above are 12 disks found inside a hollow wall in the residence of bangster Daniel Dantas, which are currently in the hands of the CIA in the U.S. to be analyzed and revealed the schemes of corruption in Brazil that will be reflected over your country. It is not difficult to imagine the reasons why such evidence were taken away from Brazil considering the seriousness of the crimes committed and the power of the criminals involved, the list includes representatives of the international financial system, some already well known to the American public.

Just like you, the Senator Russ Feingold and millions of honored men and women in your country, the vast majority of Brazilians believe that the law applies to all equally, or democracy is a lie and put at risk the future of freedom and citizenship in the world. We must fight together for justice and transparency by day and night so that the corrupt forces do not impose on the forces of good and why we believe strongly that there can be no justice as claimed by Brazilian people in the face of moral crisis that devastated our country.

Finally, fighting for justice today. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Justice delayed is justice denied." So, we appreciate your vigilance and support for the processes of evaluation and dissemination of data contained in the 12 disks in the possession of the CIA are not obstructed. We want only the truth, because we know that just truth guarantees the sovereignty of our people.

God bless you, your family, the American people and all their initiatives to the social improvement of mankind.


Protogenes Queiróz.

Emilio de Lima (ed.)



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