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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Labor

3.6/7 Conference: The Crisis and Our March to Justice

A celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the March 10, 2006 march for Legalization for All The Crisis & Our March to Justice 2nd Annual Conference of the March 10th Committee Friday, March 6th. Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, 800 S. Halsted St., Chicago, IL., 60607 Saturday March 7th. Azteca Mall, 3200 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago, IL., 60623 The immigrant struggle is everybody’s struggle. Everybody’s struggle is an immigrant struggle. March 10th, 2006, gave birth to a mass mobilization for the legalization of the twelve million undocumented workers in the United Sates. But after three years, Washinton DC and the political right have only made the plight and uncertainty of millions of working families harsher. Now, and after a decade of neoliberal policies that have taken the world to the edge of economic collapse, the uncertainty has spread to all the homes of this country’s working folks. In response, the American people stopped the political rule of the right, overwhelmingly voting for change. In search of that change, immigrants are getting ready once again to march this May Day to demand justice and equality for all. With that purpose, the March 10th Committee invites you to a conference dedicated to discussing ideas for the next steps in the fight for social justice, while building unity between immigrant and native born workers. Program: Friday, March 6th (at The Jane Addams Hull-House Museum) 6 PM: Politico-cultural event (Confirmed reservation required) Saturday March 7th (at the Azteca Mall) 9 AM: (and all day) Workshops, forums and panels: General Assembly of Workers (See Below) * the economic crisis * labor struggles today *students and youth mobilization * the fight against budget cuts in healthcare, education and housing * racism and repression against immigrants and other minorities * the war * immigration and labor laws reform * the struggle to end raids and deportations * and more. 6 PM: Plenary (with the report back from the sessions during the day): The next steps and May Day. 8 PM: Commemoration of International Women's Day. For further information, to confirm your attendance or to reserve a informational booth at the conference, call or email Orlando Sepúlveda at 773-387-8225 or General Assembly of Workers Mexican, Latino and American workers. Workers with a union or without it. Temporary workers and day laborers. Are you tired of abuse and discrimination? Are you tired of low wages and disrespect? Join us. We will share our experience fighting and winning over those who want to take away our rights at the work place and forcing to act those who would want to keep us under shadows. Many of us have won, some have not, but we stay strong in our purpose of getting respect and being treated human beings. In a country in economic crisis, immigrants are the favorite scapegoat of the powerful and only united we can confront them. We are pushin our unions to stand firm and comply with wath they promised us, to defend the worker. We are forcing the greedy boss to respect our rights, so we can have a dignifying life. Come, listen to us and share with us you experience. In struggle for the rights of all workers, Convokes Chicago Workers Collaborative This assembly will be carried on March 7th at 9 AM, in 3200 S. Kedzie Ave. (Azteca Mall), and it is part of the 2nd annual Immigrant Conference of the March 10 Committee. For more information on this assembly call or write to Martin Unzueta 773-653-3664 or — Shaun 773.828.4336 917.755.7409



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