Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
TEACHING RESISTANCE, March 14, 11 am, Columbia College Chicago.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
11 am
Columbia College Chicago
624 Michigan Ave., 11th Floor
Room 1107
Teaching resistance to oppression and exploitation is urgently needed as the present economic system and military complex either collapses or consolidates. Join us for a teach-in workshop to examine basic engaged strategies, tactics, and methods to inspire students and teachers, activists and organizers.
Jackson Potter: Chicago school teacher, activist, Committee of Rank and File Educators (CORE) organizer.
June Terpstra: Activist educator, Northeastern Illinois University Justice Studies and Columbia College Chicago.
Gabriel Perez: Housing activist, political punk artist, and Columbia College teaching assistant.
The League of Revolutionaries for a New America Committee on Education for Fundamental Social Change invites students, teachers, activists, and all those interested in resistance to oppression and exploitation to join us for an engaging and inspirational teach-in workshop. Coffee and snacks provided.