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Raúl presents flag to Cuban baseball team

PRESIDENT Raúl Castro Ruz yesterday presented the flag to the Cuban team who will defend their national colors at the 2nd World Baseball Classic. During the official ceremony, Raúl presented the Cuban flag to team captain and shortstop, Eduardo Paret, who was accompanied by Yosvany Peraza and Yoennis Céspedes.
PRESIDENT Raúl Castro Ruz yesterday presented the flag to the Cuban team who will defend their national colors at the 2nd World Baseball Classic.

Raúl presents flag to Cuban baseball teamDuring the official ceremony, Raúl presented the Cuban flag to team captain and shortstop, Eduardo Paret, who was accompanied by Yosvany Peraza and Yoennis Céspedes.

Whilst reading out the team pledge, Frederich Cepeda highlighted the squad’s tremendous responsibility towards the Cuban people and the conviction of every member to play their best in every game in order to achieve victory. "We will be loyal defenders of our flag and of fair play in pursuit of success," emphasized Cepeda.

In his address, Esteban Lazo, vice president of the Council of State and member of the Political Bureau, recalled that sport in Cuba is free from commercialization.

Referrring to the players, he extolled the fact that the team was selected from the very best Cuban ballplayers and chosen for their technical level, competitive results and, above all, for their human quality and patriotism.

Paraphrasing Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, he stated that whatever the outcome, what is of most importance is the honor and valor with which every inning and every game is played. Go, compete, and overcome, feel the encouragement and support of Fidel, Raúl and the whole population who will be waiting, filled with joy and pride, for the return of their victorious team, added Lazo.

Raúl Castro personally greeted each member of the team, runners up in the 1st World Classic three years ago, and also members of the coaching team led by manager Higinio Vélez.

The national baseball team will leave today for the city of Puebla in Mexico in order to acclimatize to the altitude level for the first round of the World Classic which will take place at the Foro Sol stadium in Mexico City.

Also taking part in the ceremony were José Ramón Fernández, vice president of the Council of Ministers and head of the Cuban Olympic Committee; Lázara Mercedes López Acea, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Party and Christian Jiménez, president of INDER.

The inauguration of the tournament is set to take place next March 5, while the Cuban team will play their first game on March 8 against South Africa. (AIN)



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