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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Elections & Legislation

Feb. 28 - Obama and the Left - Different Perspectives for Social Change Today

Haymarket Books presents:


Obama & the Left:
Different Perspectives on Social Change Today
Saturday, February 28th at 6:00 PM

After Barack Obama's historic election victory, will the new Administration deliver change we can believe in or business as usual?
How do we organize for a progressive agenda with a Democrat in the White House? This panel of Left authors and activists will offer different perspectives for social change today.

Speakers include:

James Thindwa
Executive Director of Jobs with Justice-Chicago and Editorial Board member of In These Times magazine

Sharon Smith
Author of Subterranean Fire: A History of Working Class Radicalism in the US and Women and ocialism: Essays on Women's Liberation

John Nichols
Washington correspondent of The Nation magazine

Paul Street
An independent journalist and historian. He is the author of four books to date including: Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis: a Living Black Chicago History and Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics

UNITE-HERE Hall, Debs Room 333 S Ashland Ave, Chicago
Saturday, February 28th at 6:00 PM
$5 donation (no one turned away for lack of funds)

Sponsored by: Haymarket Books (
In These Times magazine (

For more info call Joe at 773/633-0244 or joe (at)



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