Chicago cablecast information - starts Thurs, Feb. 19
The Elder Studs Terkel: Activist for Labor
On CAN TV Chicago cable tv Channel 19:
Thurs., Feb. 19, 9:30 pm
Fri., Feb. 20, 4:30 pm
Thurs., Feb. 26, 9:30 pm
Fri., Feb. 27, 4:30 pm
On Oct. 31, 2008 Studs Terkel died at age 96. The event was somewhat overshadowed by the looming Nov. 4 election just days away. It was Halloween, too, something Studs would have been amused by. Studs' passing marked an end to an era. His public radio and writer's personality had been part of the national narrative in progressive and labor history going back to the 30s.
Labor Beat has compiled here selections from our own exclusive footage of Studs appearing at union picket lines and rallies for the past 20 years. Here is Studs speaking at a grape boycott rally with Cesar Chavez, and testifying with Tim Kazurinsky in the Chicago City Council chambers urging their support for the SAG-AFTRA strike. We spend some time with Studs as he arrives at a big hotel strike rally on Labor Day in 2003 on Michigan Ave. He enjoys schmoozing the crowd and becomes again the old soap box orator of yore. And in 2007 we see Studs in his dotage, perhaps at his last outdoor labor rally--in Chicago's Millennium Park for Single Payer Health Care. Studs introduces filmmaker Michael Moore, his new film "Sicko" just released, and Studs and Michael crack a few jokes together. Michael Moore reminds the audience: "Studs, you're a national treasure." Narrated by Al Harris Stein. 20 minutes.
Also, a second short segment:
Public Dollars, Public Schools
Well over 500 parents, children and teachers converged on the Chicago School Board protesting the proposed 20 school closings. Recognizing the Renaissance 2010 plan of the business class Commercial Club and their role in the union busting plan and the sabotage of neighborhood schools, they march to their front doors and rally before heading to City Hall to demand a meeting with Mayor Daley.
To order a DVD, send a check for $15 to:
Labor Beat
37 S. Ashland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60607
Indicate title: "The Elder Studs Terkel".
Produced by Labor Beat. Labor Beat is a CAN TV Community Partner. For info: /
mail (at) / 312-226-3330. For other Labor Beat videos, visit Google Video or YouTube and search "Labor Beat".