It emerges from the call to action which was launched by the publication CRISIS as well as from the ideas generated in the space for proposals in the forum from the web page and from various proposals received in the e-mails which were arriving to the CRISI group e-mail and to the Enric Duran one.
Banks' Users Strike Campaign
We won't use the valuable space of this pamphlet to explain the damage banks and their governing accomplices make to us; if you are here now it's because you already know it. ¡Let's go to the point! These mobilizations on 15N are one first step, but we need to go further beyond. We all know that demonstrations are not enough to change the state of things, we need more sharp and forceful actions. Now is the time to move into action! That's why we are preparing a banks users strike.
What will we do?
It will be an indefinite strike which will not end until the worker's debt become canceled just the same as they have canceled Wall Street speculator's loss. It won't finish until the current international financial system is abolished and a new one is created, a new one directed by fair rules, which mean to cover the people needs and not those from speculators.
If hundreds of thousands of people all around the world arrange to stop paying our debts, and if we support each other, they will not stop us. If there are a lot more participating in this call by withdrawing the money from the banks, we will stop this system which is enslaving us.
Which meaning could have a delinquencies list if everybody was registered in it? Which strength will their seizes represent if they are affecting millions of people? What will they speculate with if we take out all the money from banks? Take part in this indefinite strike! Withdraw all your money from the bank, let's stop them speculating with our savings! Do not pay your mortgage and stay living in your home, do not pay back any personal credits, let this crisis be paid by the richest!
How will we do it?
We have prepared a pre-enrollment system so at the time when we are 1000 people, we undertake to participate. By this way, arriving to this amount of pre-enrolled people will be the starting point of the actual strike. Although the call for strike is at an international level, but the aim is to promote mutual support relations which are really feasible anyway, we should divide by regions the enrollment lists as well as the date for the start of the strikes, so in every territory we define, the strike would start when the amount of people is big enough.
An interpersonal support net will be created by all the participants in order to guarantee food and roof to each and every of us. Furthermore, the strike itself tries to encourage the starting up of the alternatives of society and investing in transformer projects will be one of the alternatives we will propose to the people who cancel their savings accounts. One of the main objectives of this campaign will be to prove that it is possible to live well, and even better than we do now, without banks.
Find out more information: and participate: pre-enrollment is already open!!!