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News :: Elections & Legislation

City of Galesburg Admits 3 Years of Budget Errors

After an elected official raised questions about budget discrepancies, the City of Galesburg has admitted to numerous errors in reported expenditures for fiscal year 2004, 2005 and 2006.
The errors can easily be seen in spreadsheets copied from the Illinois Office of the Comptroller:

According to Gloria Osborn, Director of Finance Information Systems, corrections are being prepared, and will be sent to the Illinois Comptroller.
The only public access to reports of expenditures by the City of Galesburg is online at the Comptrollers office. The city is required by law to file budget data within 6 months of the end of each fiscal year. The city routinely denies FOIA requests for financial reports.

David Roknich
Candidate for Mayor
Galesburg, Illinois




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