A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 30) is up at the website
www.outfarpress.com/outfarpress/shortwave.shtml in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to Audioport.org there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}
This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Netherlands, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.
From CHINA- The Chinese Premier spoke at the World Economic Forum and described his country's economic stability. Northern China is having an extremely dry winter, not unlike where I live in Northern California. 5 people have died from bird flu so far this year in China. Russia has suspended plans to install missiles in response to the US missile defense system in Europe. President Obama spoke on Al-Aribya radio, saying that the US is not the enemy of the entire Muslim world. Robert Gates said that the US must not get bogged down in Afghanistan. Pakistan has asked the US to cease killing civilians in unauthorized attacks on suspected militants. The Syrian President wants a dialogue with the US without preconditions. The Palestinian President Abbas wants to prosecute Israel for war crimes.
From NETHERLANDS- Radio Netherlands has eliminated shortwave broadcasts to North America. The decision is based on their surveys that find very few listeners in N America. If you ever listen to RN on shortwave, please let them know- by email to
letters (at) rnw.nl or send them a letter to Radio Netherlands Worldwide, PO Box 222, 1200JG, Hilversum, The Netherlands.
An analysis of George Mitchell's "listening trip" to the Middle East- his refusal to speak with Hamas greatly diminishes his hope of change. Fighting broke out again in the Gaza Strip- a look at what the targeted tunnels are used for and why they are essential for the Palestinians.
From CUBA- Israel claims its new attacks are on smuggling tunnels, but many of the latest victims were far from any tunnel. Sky News and the BBC have refused to air Oxfam's pleas for donations for relief work in Palestine. Europe is recovering from the worst winter storms in 10 years.
From RUSSIA- A commentary on releasing prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay prison and the alleged return to terrorist activities of some former detainees.
There is an article about the Shortwave Report by Cassandra Roos on line at-
I was interviewed for an informative weekly radio show Mediageek, available at
All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me in the last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If you just want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming version- lower sound quality but good enough and way easier if you don't have a high-speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem because of your slow connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 minutes or less, and will play swell in any mp3 player application (RealPlayer, Winamp, Quicktime, iTunes, etc) you have on your computer.
This program will be aired on Friday afternoon at 4:30pm (PDST) on KZYX/Z Philo CA, you might be able to stream via <
www.kzyx.org >
There are several other streams that work better- <
www.freakradio.org >Freak Radio Santa Cruz now streams this program on Friday at 9:00am.(PDST)
The Shortwave Report may be downloaded as a podcast from < feed://www.radio4all.net/responder.php/podcast/podcast.xml?series=outFarpress+presents > or iTunes (search for "shortwave" in podcasts)
Check out the amazing streams at <
www.radicalradio.org >
And Radio For Peace International at <
www.rfpi.org >
I hope you'll listen and air this if you're connected with a radio station. I am still wondering how to get financially compensated for the 25 hours I put into this program weekly- any ideas are appreciated. Any stations rebroadcasting this (or listeners) are welcome to donate for production costs. You can do so through the website. Many thanks to those that have donated! No Guilt! (maybe a little)
link for broadcast edition-
www.outfarpress.com/outfarpress/swr_01_30_09.mp3 >(13.3MB)
link for smaller file and streaming-
www.outfarpress.com/outfarpress/shortwave.shtml >
¡FurthuR! Dan Roberts
--"Where the old tracks are lost, new country is revealed with its wonders."
--Rabindranath Tagore