Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Review :: Miscellaneous

Lichen: Where the Commodity Can't Get You

The Lichen Space is an autonomously run collective space responsible for some of the Chicago area's best agitprop...
I had the good fortune to attend a show at the Lichen space last week, and I have to say: these people are doing something splendid! Never has my aversion to capitalist culture been so bouyed as when hearing puppets go off on the powers that be, in their own creative, poetic, dramatic, humorous and truly talented ways...the cuttlefish, the trash-eater, the mc and Brendan the stick figure poet...all excellent...

We had thought that all cultural activity was only more spectacle, more of the monied powers' signs of domination of all language; of all image; sound; dance; laughter and gaiety...alas we were wrong and we knew we were wrong because when we arrived we instantly knew we belonged... we knew we were affirmed in our anti-capitalism, we were challenged to go further with it...this is the best kind of culture, the kind that challenges you to do your best...inspires you to do your own...

Then there was a lot of good music, singer-songwriters and such...but this one woman, I think her name is Rebecca is freaking brilliant on guitar, with a superb voice and a really good honkytonk jaw hit the ground when these two went on later...and I've yet to pick it up..I'm just going to leave it there...

Anyway, its like john cassavetes said: ..."most people are emotionally dead by the age of 21. My films are for the 20-year-olds, to get them past 21..." the same can be said of Lichen, its for those who aren't emotionally dead yet, and who want to continue in this way...

I shall return there...

carlton friskme



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