O'Bomber now Wor;ld's #1 Terrorist, Huge Win for the Empire!
Made a sign over six years ago that said,"BUSH WORLD's #1 TERRORIST!" Had mostly to do with the attack on Afghanistan and imminent attack on Iraq.
But the other side of that sign says,"u. s. OUT OF THE MIDDLEEAST".
That sign has been held at over 325 of our Northside Peace Gathering protests, along with atleast 50 other protests. i am not the only one to hold it. But it has appeared nearly 400 times in the last 6+ years.
Bush was the president, commander-in-chief, of the military of the world's largest empire. The job of u. s. Prez is to advance and protect the interests of the large corporations that really run this country. People all over the world use all sorts of methods to resist the theft of their resources and labor. The commander-in-chief uses the military to force the interests of u. s. Big Business down the throuts of poor people in dozens of countries, Iraq and Afghanistan being the prime examples.
This conquor the world agenda is totally bipartisan. Democraps are totally onboard. They repeatedly approve huge military budgets and send billions in military aid to repressive governments friendly to u. s. companies.
Now O'Bomber is the commander-in-chief of that Empire. He has already mumbled about a 16 month withdrawl of combat forces. But supports leaving 10's of thousands of military and probably many more mercenaries, for years, to protect the oil interests of the Amerikkkan Empire in the region. Remember that in VietNam the u. s. had advisers who did much more that advise. Surely the residual forces in Iraq will do much more than train and advise.
From day one, most anti-war people supported none of the war making crap. 1st we said NO WAR and after it started we said END THE WAR NOW. That has not changed for most of us. We have not accepted the lame excuses of one phony Democrap after another who have reapeatedly voted money to kill, main, torture and terrorize people in the MiddleEast. This includes the new president's repeated votes with Bush on the Oil driven u. s. aggression in that part of the world.
Recently Israel lauched a savage attack on the people of Gaza. Over 7 thousand people have been killed or wounded. This was done with the complete support of both political parties in this country. O'Bomber has said nothing about it. But in 2006 when Israel attacked Lebanon in a similar manner, with the massive use of clusterbombs, O'Bomber co-sponsered the resolution in support of this terible atrocity.
Obama can prove he is different from bush by doing the following, demands that most anti-war people have supported for most of this sad decade:
Finish a complete immediate withdrawl of all u. s. military, mercenaries and contractors from Iraq.
Finish a complete immediate withdrawl of all u. s. military, mercenaries and contractors from Afghanistan.
End all aid to Israel. Placing that country on the list of terrorist states. Supporting the febble U. N. in sanctioning and punishing Israel for decades of mistreatment of Palistinians.
Until the new president finishes these three tasks by executive order or veto power, he is continuing the policies of g w bush. Til that day we will have a sign saying: