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The Struggle Against Renaissance 2010 - Labor Beat on Google Video

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Lou Pyster.jpg
Lou Pyster, Chicago Teacher Union Retired Teacher Delegate
Photo: Gary Brooks / Labor Beat
The Struggle Against Renaissance 2010

To view on Google Video, go to this link:

Here are excerpts from the Community Hearing at Chicago's Malcom X College on January 10, 2009, highlighting testimonies of teachers union members, community organizations, students and parents.

The hearing considered: At the current pace, 50% of all the Chicago Public Schools will be privatized by 2020. How will this impact students, parents, teachers, communities? The meeting was Sponsored by: Caucus Of Rank-and-file Educators (CORE); The Chicago Teachers Union; The Pilsen Alliance; PACT; CSDU; Substance News; Blocks Together; Kenwood Oakland Community Organization; Parents United for Responsible Education; Teachers for Social Justice; The Southwest Youth Collaborative.

The video gives selections of speeches from Professor Pauline Lipman, Educational Policy Studies; Julie Woestehoff, Parents United for Responsible Education; Lourdes Guerrero, Teacher Representative; Jesse Sharkey, Social Studies teacher; Lanetta Thomas, High School student; Alina Mojica, former charter school student; Kristen Chapman, High School teacher; Marilyn Stewart, President, Chicago Teachers Union; Meg Sullivan, terminated charter school teacher; Lorenza Ramirez, parent of former charter school student; Carol Reynolds, charter school teacher; Lou Pyster, retired school teacher; Alfred P. Rodgers, Parents United for Responsible Education; and Debbie Lynch, Former President, Chicago Teachers Union. Lynch, with much audience support, expresses disappointment over President Obama's appointment of Arne Duncan, responsible for so many of these destructive policies in Chicago public education, to become the new Secretary of Education. Video is 29 minutes.

To order a DVD, indicate title "Struggle Against Renaissance 2010" and send a check for $15 to:
Labor Beat, 37 S. Ashland, Chicago, IL 60607.

Produced by Labor Beat. Labor Beat is a CAN TV Community Partner. Labor Beat is affiliated with IBEW 1220. Views expressed are those of the producer, not necessarily of IBEW. For info: / mail (at) / 312-226-3330. For other Labor Beat videos, visit Google Video or YouTube and search "Labor Beat".



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