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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Urban Development

Why we should say 'NO' to the Chicago 2016 Olympic Bid

Saturday, January 31st @6PM
UIC, Student Center East
750 S. Halsted, Room TBA

Join a panel discussion with:
CHRISTOPHER SHAW author of Five Ring Circus: Myths and Realities of the Olympic Games and founding member / lead spokesperson for two groups in opposition to Vancouver's 2010 Winter Olympics: No Games 2010 Coalition and 2010 Watch.
DEBORAH TAYLOR of Southside Together Organizing for Power (STOP) and Lake Park East Tenants Association.
KAREN GJ LEWIS of the Caucus of Rank and File Educatoors (CORE)
WILLIE J.R. FLEMMING of the Coalition to Protect Public Housing
THE CITY OF CHICAGO HAS entered into bidding for the 2016 Summer Olympics with little public debate or discussion about the merits of hosting the event. Chicago 2016 and the Mayor are promising the Olympics will be a boon to the city. However, past Olympics have proven to be a burden on cities; leaving behind mountains of debt and empty sporting facilities - while promised job growth and public infrastructure improvements never come to fruition.

Already, the 2012 Summer Olympics in London are four times over budget - with security costs alone expected to exceed $2 billion. Meanwhile, revelations about the Olympic Village for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics continue to surface. Not only are the people of Vancouver now on the hook for $875 million dollars to finish the Olympic Village (that was originally to be funded through private dollars) -- the project may leave the city bankrupt.

Join NO GAMES: Chicago for a panel discussion on why Chicagoans have nothing to gain from the Olympics any why we should actively oppose them.



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