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Report: Luxembourg holds rally against warfare in Gaza

Luxembourg, Jan.10th, 2009. - Following the call of the "Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche Orient" (CPJPO) from 1,200 to 1,500 protestors, depending on the sources, came to the capital of Luxembourg to demonstrate against Israels warfare against Gazans. Beside many leftist organistations and political actors, organisators had to welcome groups from all over the greater reagion such as France, Belgium and Germany.
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CPJPO called all participants to adhere to a peacefull rally and by the end the organistaors security had just to blame one burned israeli flag.The police had also confirmed that the rally was peacefull. The march took place from of the Czech Embassy, as a sign for those that actually have in charge the european presidency, and went trough the upper town of Luxembourg City, what is one the most important commercial centers of the country.

A whole lot of people could observe and hear what the demonstrators went for. The message mainly called for an end of the israeli attacks, that reach civilians, and therein children, women and elderly people. Some shouting "allah o'akhbar" and "Israel assassin" had to be retained. Nevertheless the calls for peace and an an end of the colonialization of Palestine prevailed. The march passed at the Grand-Duke's palace and the seat of the Luxembourg parliament. It ended at the Clairefontaine square, where the foreign ministry is seated. Michel Legrand, president of the CPJPO hold the final speach and adressed to the participants, that his organization will hand over a demand to Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg's Foreign Minister, to intervene for an immediate cease-fire and request that he shall call the EU countrys to push for peace talks.

As by the actual situation in Gaza, this call might not be fruitfull, remembering that both Israel and Hamas do not pretend to follow the United Nations Security Council's appeal for an immediate truce. Since the start of the israeli raids on Gaza, December 27th, more than 800 people lost their lives, therein more than 260 children of minor age. It does either not seem to harm any of the beligerous parties, that worldwide protesters call for an immediate cease-fire.

The CPJPO, as many of the organisations world-wide require Israel to make the first step and to call back the ground invasion troops of Tsahal. None are willing to consider the measures taken as proportional to the "mosquito bites" Hamas militants are able to profere against Israel. Israel must also be considerated as having provoked the "armed" resistance as by the economic and political blocus it layed over the Gaza population.

Gaza repertories actually more than 80% of the population living under the outer limit of powerty, and the same figure applies to non-employement. In the actual situation, Gazans run out out of water, food and electricity. UN aid convoys and NGO's are unabled to provide the minimum help. None of the hospitals in Gaza can contain the upcoming wounded and more-over can not offer any medical services of the current daylife, such as dialysis, pre- and postnatal follow-up. People with chronic diseases have no possibility to obtain the medics they need. All this and especially the killing of children is to be considerated as "a crime against humanity", many organisations express.

Analysts actually understand that the warfare will head on at least until coming "shabbat" and then, when Barak Obama takes place as US-President, Israel could withdraw its ground troops by stages. A time panel that is certainly also required for the EU under the lead of the Czech presidency to speak as "one voice" in order to summon Israel for a reliable truce. Within all this, the role of Egypt and many other Arab countrys will be of greater impact, as they are to considered as beeing the sole power to persuade Hamas to end rocked-fire on Israel.

The CPJPO anyhow called all particpants to renew the protest on coming saturday if warfare has not come to an end. A protest that should be maintained on all coming saturdays, as long as no serious truce and/or peace talks will be engaged. At the end the crowd shouted: "No to war - No to colonialization - End the blokade of Gaza - Free the Palestinian population"



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