News :: Protest Activity
A Note on Solidarity with Greece
“Have you heard? There was a solidarity action in Moscow”. And Paris. And Berlin, Mexico City, London, Oaxaca, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, New York (when was a university there last occupied?) and Montreal.

And -literally- hundreds of other cities. In the first few days of the revolt we were thinking of trying to put together all the solidarity actions somewhere - this was proven to be, quite simply, impossible: There are hundreds of actions around the globe, thousands of people that have taken to the streets. This is incredible and you can’t believe how important it is for us. Our struggle is common.
On December 20th, on the
international day of solidarity, let’s show them what we have started to feel here in Greece: That what we’ve seen so far is only the begining.
Global Day of Action Against State Terrorism - from the Occupation of the Polytechnic University in Athens
Update: Someone already started putting together a map of solidarity actions around the world. Excellent stuff. Please report your solidarity action here