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CUNY students' statement of solidarity with students in New School

CUNY (City University of New York) students who have joined in the occupation of New School issue a statement of solidarity and unity with New School students.
As CUNY students facing cutbacks and tuition hikes put forward by Governor Paterson, the CUNY administration, and the Board of Trustees; we declare our full support and solidarity with the New School student occupation carried out against the New School’s corrupt administration headed by the war criminal Bob Kerrey.

We consider their struggle our struggle.

We as CUNY students see the struggle of the New School students as part of a broader struggle around the world - from the uprisings in Greece and Italy to the recent Republic door and window workers occupation in Chicago (which served as an inspiration to the New School student occupation) to the striking workers at the Stella D’Oro bakeries.

We call on all students and workers everywhere to join in support and solidarity of the students here at New School (New York School in Exiles) and we ask that you join us as students along with CUNY adjuncts, faculty and staff in our struggle against the tuition hikes, budget cuts and layoffs.

We are inspired by the struggle at the New School and expect this to be a step in creating a broad, inclusive, and diverse movement uniting the students, faculty, staff, and communities around the struggles at CUNY.

In Solidarity,

CUNY Students in occupied territory.



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