Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Gender & Sexuality

Announcing: National Radical Queer Convergence in Chicago

Anarcha-Queers! Trannies! Fairies! Perverts! Sex-Workers! Sex-Radicals!
Bash Back! is ecstatic to announce a national radical queer convergence to take place in Chicago, May 28th through May 31st of 2009!
We're pleased to invite all radical queers to join us for a weekend of debauchery and mischief. The last weekend of May will prove to be four solid
days of workshops, discussions, performances, games, dancing and street action! We'll handle the food and the housing. Ya'll bring the orgy, riot,
and decadence!

We're looking for folks to facilitate discussions, put on workshops, organize caucuses, share games, tell stories, get heavy in some theory, or bottom-line a dance party. More specifically we're looking for workshops themed around queer and trans liberation, anti-racism, confronting
patriarchy, sex work, ableism, self defense, DIY mental and sexual health, radical history, pornography, or queer theory.

We are also looking for copious amounts of glitter, safer sex products, zines, home-made sex toys,balaclavas, pink and black flags, sequins,
bondage gear, rad porn, flowers, strap-ons, and assorted dumpstered goodies. You down? To RSVP, volunteer for a workshop, get more information, or send us dirty pictures:

email -

radicalqueer2009 (at)

and check out -


Lubing up the social war,
Bash Back!



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