Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Prisons

Holiday Party and Fundraiser for Illinois Prisoners

Holiday Party, Potluck and Fundraiser for Illinois Prisoners
Tuesday, 7 pm, December 16, 2008
University Church in Hyde Park (5655 S. University, at 57th Street, one block west of Woodlawn)
Come celebrate the holidays with the Campaign to End the Death Penalty and Hyde Park/Kenwood Interfaith Council. Hang out, eat, be merry, and sign holiday cards for Illinois Death Row and long-term prisoners. Also donate to the Prisoner Gift Fund. All donations will go directly to Illinois prisoners during the holiday season.

If you'd like to donate, please bring your donation to the holiday
party, or call 773-955-4841 or email julien (at) for more information.



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