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Greek Riots: translations #4 - Attack on police station

Attack at the Petroupoli police station [a good text to get acquainted with the outrage filling high school kids after Saturday's murder, translated from the original: . There's also a similar video from a few days back showing high school kids stoning a PD in Thessaloniki - if you have the link for this one leave a comment.]
The youngsters of Petroupoli taught cops & parents a good lesson.

Wednesday, December 10 2008. About 100 youngsters stand in a narrow street across the Petroupoli PD. The cops are hiding behind a vehicle 30 meters to the left of the PD. The outrage is accumulating & some stones are hurled. The mayor - a PASOK [greek socialist party, in essence what this country can call a center party] - the vice-mayor etc. are trying to talk sense into them. Alongside one finds the usual KKE [greek communist party, widely perceived as a stalinist party] youth members are talking against SYRIZA [left progressive coalition attracting a lot of attention - & venom - recently] [members of] which demonstrated earlier today. At some point, the sparkle is there. Youngsters grab trashcans & seal the avenue off. They start a fire & the traffic is interrupted. They attack & stones fall like hail. Smiling faces, groups of passionate kids stone the PD. The cops are hiding inside, while a humongous mercedes (who owns it, in fact?) attracts [a hail of] stones. People are gathering in nearby minor streets, while slogans add to the moment. Two cops try to run into the PD. They shield themselves while stones land on them, they run like rabbits. Youths come from the nearby minor streets & unite with the rest. The kids break claypots while the PD receives a hail of stones. They push forward, throw the trashcans in front of the PD, & they approach even more - the guard's cabinet receives the first stones. The initial hesitation & fear is transformed into nerve & decisiveness. A cop gets up on the 3rd floor & throws a flare into the crowd. The kids disperse into the narrow street, they're all kids - 15, 16, 17 years old - but the return. HAVOC, they push forward & don't give a damn. An elderly person incites them to attack the cops & not the stores. Big deal - the kids themselves had been repeating this, NO STORES, JUST COPS! & then, a Riot Squad shows up at the lower part of Petroupoleos Avenue. The kids receive a sequence of teargas canisters. A youngster tries to jerk a trashcan away from the place in front of the KKE building to seal off the street & an old-timer KKE member goes into amok & jumps him - poor guy's setting for a heart attack - red in the face (wearing the party's war paint, it seems!). Similarly, KNE [KKE's youth league] members harass them verbally, while the Riot Squad go on chasing after them (well done KNE, great solidarity to a bunch of kids chased by the Riot Squad). Luckily, an elderly but equally young [at heart] person stood for the kids, telling the KNE members that this is the real youth & you'll ever have them. The KNE members shut their trap &, immediately, the kids went on running the avenue uphill while the Riot Squad was attacking (there was this fat guy among them that was totally not up to it; where are you sending this guy, no comradely solidarity among those cops). At that point, a youngster offers by way of slogan BANKS! The stones from the kids-without-hoods bring down bank windowshops & they they keep going towards the square. & thus were the first banks in Petroupoli attacked. GOOD START!!! (& don't tell me that Millenium & ASPIS [both of them banks with nation-wide networks] are little business...)

That's what I managed to see, the rest can add more info.

Well done kids, you're the best, you are the ones having dignity & no one else, leave the rest behind in the cafe's guarding their parties' trash. In every neighborhood, in every suburb, riots will keep breaking out, get a clue, there's a spantaneous revolt going on & no one's leading it!

Stay well kids.



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