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Update from Greece, tens of thousands on the streets

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets on Monday protesting the cold blooded murder of 16-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos by cops.
Tens of thousands of people took to the streets on Monday. The day started with thousands of highschool students leaving their schools and converging either to the city centers (central Athens, Thessaloniki) or outside their local police departments. Police stations were attacked, policemen booed, the students claiming justice for the murder. All of the above was repeated in many major cities, all over the country. In Athens, the students remained in the city center, awaiting the evening march, where they were brutally attacked by the riot squads with tear gas, beatings and arrests, however without leaving the area.

Tens of thousands were in the evening march in Athens, called by all opposition parties. Many more marches were organized in nearly all major greek cities, where clashes also erupted. In Athens, luxury stores were smashed and burned, as well as two ministry departments. Late in the evening, 10 buildings were ablaze. In Thessaloniki the protest was badly hit with powerful gas (causing vomit) and, by some accounts, rubber bullets, which also were reportedly used in Athens.

The establishment in Greece is in panic. The President of the Democracy was transferred to the "Presidential Residence" from his everyday house for security reasons. The Dean of the University of Athens resigned. The minister of Education declared a lockdown of schools and faculties for tomorrow, Tuesday. The cabinet of ministers was in session until about midnight. The PM said "zero tolerance" for acts of vandalism. Although denied by some government spokespersons, there is strong talk that a state of emergency in the country will be declared tomorrow. There is also information that the police will be ordered to enter the universities tonight (something that they are not allowed to do by law, only in cases of "felony").

Tomorrow, there is a pan-educational march for protest at noon, while at 3 a.m. Greece time protests will be held as the funeral of Alexandros will be taking place at this time. Wednesday is a day of general strike, and although the Worker's Union canceled the programmed march "for the fear of riots", various organizations are determined to march in Athens.



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