Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Statistics show tolerance for insurrection.

More than any time in the last seventy years, americans are fed up with their representative democracy.
Midwest Anarchist Report #2
Letter to Insurrectionaries
Chicago, IL

Dear Comrades, Friends and Collaborators,

Most of us read the same Chomsky articles which quote the same statistics year after year: americans are against the war, want programs to help the poor, want universal health care, want participatory democracy, etc., etc., etc..

So, any revolutionary group which promised those very things would likely have the support of the american people? Even Bill Ayers has said that insurgency needs the support of the people. But how and when is that measured? Notice how Ayers' connection to Barak as a "domestic terrorist" didn't deter the electorate (Barak has reformed himself, Ayers too ;))...

In this respect, top-down systems like the social democracies are only better than the system we have by degrees. They still carry out their concentration camp-like treatment of the third world. The unions are most notable for their lack of the big picture. Better models come from the worker-democracies of Argentina and the caracoles of chiapas. Participatory democracy requires revolving, inclusive power.

Its an open question as to whether the american people would feed, house and clothe an insurrectionary army. Probably depends on the neighborhood. Just don't make the brutal mistake of say, biting the hands that feed you (i.e. the people's hands) like the janjaweed. Make sure the people know you're on their side, by your manners and kindness.

The questions which remain can be answered by any member of any consensus decision-making group in the country. Many more workshops need to be given, articles, pamphlets and zines published with honest critique. Hurray for VOKU!!! Self-critique is irreplaceable as a demand:


Take that to every job, industry, farm field, school, cultural event and see what happens: see what kind of new lines are drawn: radical equality in self-government!!! Imagine Utilities like Con-Ed governed by a rotating participatory democracy! Think there might be some headway toward green initiatives?

The hierarchs ain't gonna like it, including Barak. The business party thinks it rules because its "the brightest and the best" (to quote kpfk, in los angeles, and they really believe it). They really think college students are "smarter", and therefore better able to call the shots. They should spend more time on college campuses to find out how clueless the students really are (of course its a programmed cluelessness, since grade school), with a terribly limited range of life-experiences afforded them by the college-track they've been forced onto...

and like Jevacula has shown, there are going to be 20,000 national guard and army soldiers patrolling the usa for "homeland security"...sure...Barak will be the first one to call the pigs on any popular uprising, on any demand for self government and participatory democracy...what if the homeless had input into homeless policy, helped create it and implement it...this was the experiment of Jean Oury and the LeBorde Clinic, in the area of mental health: the patients have to have input into their treatment, otherwise its totalitarianism.

So much to do, my friends! Keep your heads high with the joys of your accomplishments! You should be proud as we older ones are proud of you! Imagine, experiment, repeat!

Long live the Anarchist Film Festival!!! Long live Centro Autonomo!!!

with much love,



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