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Four found guilty in citizen's arrest of Rove

"A jury on Friday returned guilty verdicts against four people who attempted to arrest former White House adviser Karl Rove during a fundraising appearance earlier this year in Iowa," AP reported Monday.
Guilty of trespassing were retired Methodist minister Chet Guinn, two members of the Des Moines Catholic Worker Community, Edward Bloomer and Mona Shaw, and onetime group member Kirk Brown.

"The four were cited after attempting a citizen's arrest of Rove on July 25 at the Wakonda County Club in Des Moines, where he spoke at a Republican fundraiser," AP noted. "They were stopped at the country club's entry gate."

"I'm surprised that there are six people in the United States who don't believe Karl Rove should be suspected of committing felonies," Shaw told AP after the verdict.

"In the citizens arrest complaint, the defendants accused Rove of felony murder, election fraud, conspiracy to commit offense or defraud the United States leading to the war in Iraq, as well as treason, sedition and subversive activities.

"It said Rove submitted and promoted false information leading to the war, the illegal detainment and torture of prisoners and "other fraudulent acts leading to the deaths of more than 4,000 U.S. military personnel as well as approximately 300,000 Iraqi civilians."

"Shaw said the defendants were each ordered to pay a $65 fine and court costs. She said Brown refused to pay the fine Friday and was taken to jail for a day."



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