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Vatterott College Instructors Vote For Union Representation

The vocational Instructors at Vatterott College,North park campus are going to the polls on November 25, 2008 to vote for Union representation by Local 562 in order to improve the sad conditions that exist at Vatterott North Park in Berkeley, Mo.
Since 2003 Vatterott instructors have endured long hours, below average pay,outrageous health care premiums, upper-level mismanagement and arrogance. On Tuesday, November 25, 2008 they have a chance to make their voices heard and bring about much needed change for themselves and more importantly for the students they teach.

The faculty at Vatterott NorthPark are a very dedicated group of men and women who are devoted to giving their students the highest quality education they possibly can. They are experts in their trades who could do much better in their respective fields but choose to be instructors because they have such a passion to teach. Sadly, their dedication, devotion and passion are being taken advantage of by a greedy corporation and selfish CEO's whose sole concern is to make hundreds of millions of dollars in profits for their own benefit.

They are of the opinion that Vatterott instructors make below the national average, get cheated out of their vacation time, most don't have health insurance because they can't afford the high premiums. About 90% of them sacrifice time with their children and families because of the split shift or night shift they have to work and are constantly forced to put up with more and more bureaucratic nonsense which leaves less and less time for actual teaching while the fat cat corporation does less and rakes in more.

The instructors only wish to be treated fairly for the hard work they do, they should be compensated for their difficult working conditions, the work they take home, the extra hours they put in taking care of student problems or concerns on their breaks and lunches, they deserve decent health care at an affordable price, they deserve recognition for producing the skilled craftsmen and women of tomorrow that America will so desperately need. In their effort to bring about fairness and better conditions they have been subjected to daily psychological abuse, threats of being replaced, anti-union captive audience meetings, lies, intimidation,etc. by Vatterott management for the past two months.

So they ask that if you're a student, teacher, educator, union member or just a concerned citizen...lend them your support in their efforts to establish fairness and democracy in their workplace so that can continue giving their students (and yours) the high quality education that they deserve. Please call, E-mail, or fax the campus to voice your much needed support on November 24th and 25th.

Thank You!!!!

Vatterott College NorthPark Campus
8580 Evan Ave.
Berkeley,Mo 63134
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