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Bilingual publication "Talk on Anarchism"

Publication in English and Serbo-Croatian language which is result of ten debates on anarchism held between May 2006 and May 2007 at the Cultural Center "Dom omladine" in Belgrade/Serbia.
November 19, 2008 was held presentation (in House of Youth, Dom Omadine, Belgrade) of the bilingual publication "Talk on Anarchism" published by The Group for Logistical Support. The reader Talk on Anarchism came out as a result of ten debates on anarchism held between May 2006 and May 2007 at the Cultural Center Dom omladine in Belgrade. It publishes in Serbo-Croatian and English transcripts of the held discussions that were edited by the participants. Additional materials are texts by several guests participants: GLP (The Group for Logistical Support) as a publisher thanks Marina Sitrin, Jürgen Mümken, Sureyyya Evren, Andrej Grubačić and the collective Freedom Fight for their contributions.

Here you can download printable PDF file:

The Group for Logistical Support (GLP, Grupa za logističku podršku) is a voluntary initiative, which was founded in February 2006 in Belgrade to bring up issues about social activism and anarchism and to discuss them in broader communities and contexts. Between May 2006 and May 2007 the Group for Logistical Support organized ten debates titled Talk on Anarchism with speakers from Serbia, Croatia, Turkey and Germany at the Cultural Center "Dom omladine" in Belgrade (photos). The discussions collected different directions of thinking and practice. Sometimes these discussions lasted up to three hours with an actively involved audience of more than hundred people. There was no specific selection promoted and participation was offered to all existing groups and individuals to show up the variety of standpoints with the idea to strengthen the ties between activists. All discussions have been audio recorded with the aim to be published in cooperation with the participants. Together with the printed and pdf reader, sound and photo material is accessible as well on the GLP web site.

The reader comprises parts of transcripts of the following discussions:

8. 5. 2006, Historical Introduction to Anarchism Speaker: Trivo Inđić (Historian, Belgrade)

15. 5. 2006, Contemporary Tendencies in Anarchism Speakers: Dražen Šimleša (ZMAG, author of the book "Snaga utopije", Zagreb), Marko Strpić (Organisator of ASK, Anarchist book fair, Zagreb and editor of „Što čitaš?"), Misha Mashina (Zluradi Paradi Collective, Belgrade)

1. 6. 2006, Anarchism - Feminism Speakers: Vanda Perović (Womens' studies, Belgrade), Sanja Petkovska (Belgrade), Milica Gudović (Feminist Collective Women at Work, Belgrade).

16. 6. 2006, Anarcho-Syndicalism Speakers: Rudolf Mühland (Freie ArbeiterInnen Union, Düsseldorf), Petar Atanacković Kružok (Novi Sad), Ratibor Trivunac (ASI, Belgrade)

1. 10. 2006, Art and Anarchism Speakers: Sezgin Boynik (Theorist, expert on Situationist International, Istanbul), Tadej Kurepa (Belgrade), Milica Ružičić (Artist, Belgrade), Vladan Jeremić (Cultural worker, artist and activist, Belgrade)

16. 10. 2006, Activism Speakers: Edgar Buršić, (Monteparadiso, Pula, Croatia), Igor Todorović, (Stani Pani Collective Belgrade).

15. 11. 2006, Independent Media and Activism Speakers: Pop (Kontrapunkt, Serbia,, Boris Kanzleiter (Historian and independent journalist, publishes in Jungle World, Arranca!, etc., Berlin/ Belgrade), Violeta Anđelković (Indymedia Belgrade, Association for women's initiative AŽIN, Belgrade).

7. 12. 2006, Anarchism and Marxism - Historical Lessons Speakers: Dragutin Leković (Marxist historian, Belgrade/Podgorica), Misha Mashina (Zluradi Paradi Collective, Belgrade)

9.05. 2007, Strategies of political struggle – Violence and Nonviolence Speakers: Silke Maier Witt (Skopje), Dragan Ambrozić (Belgrade)

16. 05. 2007, Workers' self-management in Yugoslavia and the Ideas of Anarchism Speakers: Sonja Drljević (Association for women's initiative AŽIN, Belgrade), Dragomir Olujić Oluja (Independent Journalist)




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