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It's official: Clinton to be named Secretary of State

President-elect Barack Obama will name Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) as his secretary of State shortly after Thanksgiving, two senior Obama aides told Politico's Mike Allen late Thursday. AP confirmed quickly thereafter.
A transition aide "told The Associated Press that the two camps have worked out financial disclosure issues involving Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, and the complicated international funding of his foundation that operates in 27 countries. The aide said Obama and Hillary Clinton have had substantive conversations about the secretary of state job."

Politico's Allen said Clinton was "likely to accept," though Clinton aides didn't respond to a request for comment. Clinton's aides have been broadly leaking information about her potential nomination to media outlets.

Former President Bill Clinton authorized unprecedented disclosures about his finances to Obama's vetting team, and transition lawyers are satisfied, officials told Allen.

Clinton vigorously contested Obama for the Democratic nomination for the presidency.



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