This post goes out to all of the homo-norms that claim BB! is ruining their image. It is now clear that the tactics of direct confrontation are spreading like wild fire. There is no doubt that the countless acts of property destruction in the passed week were committed by frustrated/pissed off queers. People are acting up on their own. We would rather fight than continue to support organizations and politicians that do not represent our vision of the Queerest world possible.
While Bash Back! does not advocate state or church sanctioned marriage in any form, BB! News is delighted that the oppressed are physically confronting the oppressors. We hope that this is just the beginning.
This post goes out to all of the homo-norms that claim BB! is ruining their image. It is now clear that the tactics of direct confrontation are spreading like wild fire. There is no doubt that the countless acts of property destruction in the passed week were committed by frustrated/pissed off queers. People are acting up on their own. We would rather fight than continue to support organizations and politicians that do not represent our vision of the Queerest world possible.
In addition to these actions tens of thousands have taken to the streets, in some cases battling police and defending themselves from anti-gay protesters to do so. One of the groups, Join the Impact, launched a site called Anti Gay Blacklist . This site has information on people, corporations, and organizations that contributed to Proposition 8. Check it out…
While queer people are fighting back against the G20, homophobic churches, bashings, and Prop 8 the right is also fighting hard. Anti-Queer hate crimes have sky-rocketed within the last two weeks. Keep this in mind. Stay safe. Stay active.
A very short and incomplete list of recent strikes against homophobes:
Salt Lake City:
At least 8 Mormon Churches “Vandalized”
7 Mormon Churches had windows shot out with a BB Gun
San Diego:
Mormon Church Vandalized to shouts of, “Mormon Scum!”
10 Mormon Churches have been “vandalized”
A Mormon Bible was burned and left on the steps of a church
Clandestine Bash Back! operatives glue locks and spray paint Mormon Church
Bash Back! disrupts Mt. Hope Church service
Radical Queers march without a permit to protest the g20 summit.
We hope that these events inspire each and every disenfranchised trans/queer person, and all oppressed people, to take power into their own hands.
If not now then when?
BB! News