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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Women's Issues

Ramsey Clark to Speak at National Conference on Socialism at UCLA

"It is urgent that the people of the United States and the world build a bridge of unity to reject the scourge of war and economic colonialism, and end poverty. I will be attending and speaking at the Party For Socialism and Liberation's National Conference in Los Angeles on December 6-7. I hope you will be able to join me and participate in this important event."
--Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General
Build a Movement to Fight Back! Struggle for Socialism!

Saturday/Sunday, Dec. 6-7, 9:30am (doors at 8am)
UCLA Campus
De Neve Plaza Auditorium
351 Charles E. Young Dr. West, Los Angeles 90024

Join us on December 6-7 in Los Angeles for a National "Fight Back" Conference on Socialism hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation. You have registered for or attended one of the PSL's conferences in the past. This December, we invite you and your friends to come to the PSL's first-ever National Conference on Socialism, which will take place in Los Angeles on the UCLA campus.

For more info call 323-810-3380 or e-mail la (at)

Party for Socialism and Liberation
la (at)

Find out what socialism is, what we aim for, and why socialism is the only answer to the misery created by capitalism. The conference will feature speakers, panels, organizing strategy sessions, entertainment, and discussion on topics related to the fight against capitalist exploitation, war, racism, and imperialism. We'll discuss what comes next for the people's movement in the wake of the 2008 elections.

Register today and bring as many people as you can to this special conference.

Socialism: The only alternative to capitalism

Food and gas prices are skyrocketing worldwide, the environment is being destroyed, and the economic recession has thrown millions of workers out of their jobs and onto the streets. In the United States, the richest 400 people have as much wealth as 50 million households combined. The criminal occupation of Iraq is now in its sixth year, having cost over a million Iraqi lives, and hundreds of billions of dollars. Meanwhile, tens of millions in this country live without adequate health care, housing, and public transportation.

Working people worldwide are being squeezed for every last penny so that Wall Street can maintain its profit margins. The epidemic of police brutality, checkpoints and anti-gang injunctions are intensifying as the state seeks to protect the class it serves.

This is the reality of capitalism. Is this the way it has to be? No. Socialism is an alternative to this irrational and increasingly barbaric system. It is a system that puts human needs over private profits.

Conference Topics and Workshops Include:
* The evils of capitalism: mass layoffs
* What's driving rising food prices?
* Why socialism is needed in the United States
* Rebuilding the workers' movement
* Black liberation and socialist struggle
* What's next after the November elections?
* Making universal health care a reality
* What can stop the war in Iraq?
* Youth and student organizing
* Why is the Pentagon targeting Iran?
* Civil rights and civil liberties under attack
* Stopping the military-industrial complex
* Global warming: capitalism vs. the planet
* Democracy and class struggle
* Can we win affordable housing for all?
* Immigrant rights: the case for full equality
* Renewing the women's rights struggle
* Real equality for the LGBT community
* Why Cuba's revolution stands strong
* Venezuela's revolution in perspective
* Latin America's shift to the left
* Stop colonialism: Puerto Rico, Philippines
* Palestine's ongoing liberation struggle
* China and the global capitalist economy
* Zimbabwe: Imperialism's hidden interests
* Religion and resistance: a socialist view
* The prison and police brutality epidemic
* Building a revolutionary workers' party



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