have posted an important question on Youtube and MySpace to Barack Obama, roughly in the third person. It pertains to Obama's known support for a controversial federal grant program that has funded anti-drug task forces notorious for lacking accountability and transparency while stomping all over people's rights.
Will you, President-elect Barack Obama, make it your policy to take an humane approach to the problems associated with drug abuse and illegal drug markets by abolishing and denouncing such obvious perpetrators of failure relative to the failed aspects of the failed war on drugs, which you agreed in 2004 was a "failure," as the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program's funding of unaccountable, ineffective multi-jurisdictional police task forces and sting operations that only aim to increase arrests and convictions for cash, and no other incentive or significant guideline assuring accountability to populations of their jurisdictions, or even proper procedure; as President of the United States?
Will you continue supporting Byrne grants for sloppy operations in which police operate with impunity under the cover of the label "War On Drugs," knowing this is intrinsically the continuance of class and racial localized tyranny, discrimination and oppression? People being persecuted as "criminals" are actually innocent and have one thing in common with anyone who may be guilty, they have the same color of skin. When you give pork money to pigs without structure and accountability, you give money to the bad ones as well as the good ones. The bad ones are a majority in many places and can appear to be the whole department in some, so it doesn't take a legal researcher or journalist to explain why Byrne money can be so recklessly the empowering force behind the worst form of domestic terrorism - police-state terrorism. When you fear the ones there to help you who do you call for help?